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Did You Know...

... that HF Cubs and HF Flying Rebels completed 28 judged competition rounds in November?

HF Junior Dragonflies at the Flyspot Polish Open
posted Dec 6th, 2019 - The Czech Indoor Cloud League team was once again in full swing during the first month of the official Czech indoor competition season at the Hurricane Factory in Prague.

Jan Klapka is running the indoor season of his part of the World Tunnel League, the Czech Indoor League, with monthly meets between November and April, while his 4-way teams also compete for the best Czech scores on the monthly 14+ leaderboard of the Indoor Cloud League.

Eleven different teams took on the six November sequences and combined for the highest total of 125 points. HF Flying Circus, HF Cubs, HF Flying Rebels, HF Chameleons and HF Invisible eventually posted the highscores, which includes the complete Czech 4-way delegation in 4-way Open (HF Flying Circus), 4-way Women (HF Cubs) and 4-way Junior (HF Flying Rebels).

Three of the five teams who posted the Czech ICL highsores are 4-way junior lineups, and two other junior teams are on the same leaderboard (HF Dragonflies, Rusalky). In fact, the Dragonflies tied the 21-pointer of the national team in 4-way Junior, the HF Flying Rebels, in the A Class, and they were only one point behind for the AA sequence.

Hurricane Factory - NovemberAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
TeamsK,22,E,12 P,7,22 D,K,6 H,K,E M,D,K M,PTotal
HF Flying Circus20-----20
HF Cubs1827----27
M Team141720----
4 V Tunelu-1416----
HF Dragonflies-1821----
HF Flying Rebels-1921---21
HF Chameleons-10121817-35
Soft 4way--16----
HF Juniors Invisible--1114122222

Hurricane Factory's Best of November202721181722125

Indoor Cloud League November highscores by HF Cubs and HF Flying Rebels
HF Flying Rebels at the Flyspot Polish Open
The Czech teams continue to collect the highly valuable competition experiences, which materialize in top positions at the high-profile events. The HF Cubs first won the AAA/Open Class competition at the Flyspot Polish Open, as the NSL News reported on November 24th.

The Cubs followed up with the 2nd place behind the Pro Team on the November leaderboard of the World Tunnel League.

Finally, they even challenged one of the best 4-way Open Class amateur teams in the world, ISR FireFlash, at the ISR Grand Prix 2019. It was the third competition for the Cubs in November.

The 27-pointer for the AA Class sequence on the 14+ leaderboard of the Indoor Cloud League is currently the highscore in this category.

HF Flying Rebels and HF Dragonflies did not only battle each other for the highest scores on the Indoor Cloud League leaderboard. Both teams competed at the Flyspot Polish Open, as well, where the Dragonflies won the duel by one point.

ISR Grand Prix 2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class N,M,13,2 21,18,A 6,16,H 10,1,C 3,J,K,22 O,L,E,D,15 B,F,5,G Q,12,7 Total Avg
1 ISR FireFlash  BE  26 24 26 23 25 35 37 26 222 27.8
2 HF Cubs  CZ  27 26 27 23 20 36 34 24 217 27.1
3 Out of the Blue  NL  24 19 22 20 20 32 25 22 184 23.0
4 Falco  BE  22 21 21 18 19 28 29 21 179 22.4
5 Ketchup ADV  IT  24 15 21 20 19 22 26 21 168 21.0
6 Chaotic Motion  NL  20 14 20 18 16 24 29 20 161 20.1
7 Ayro  BE  19 18 19 16 16 20 21 17 146 18.3
8 Fuel  NL  20 14 15 15 15 19 28 18 144 18.0
9 Synergy  IT  20 16 15 14 11 19 24 15 134 16.8
10 Trance-Ition  NL  16 14 16 12 16 17 20 17 128 16.0
11 Addicted  BE  16 14 16 14 15 19 18 14 126 15.8
12 Stardust  BE  12 13 15 12 12 21 19 12 116 14.5
13 Blok 43  NL  15 9 13 11 11 17 17 13 106 13.3
14 Vipers  NL  14 12 14 10 12 14 17 12 105 13.1
14 Fatal Four  NL  14 13 12 10 12 15 15 14 105 13.1
Rank AA Class N,M,13 21,18 6,H,2 1,C,A J,K,22 O,L,E,D B,F,G,15 Q,7,9 Total Avg
1 HF Flying Rebels  CZ  26 14 17 25 17 33 23 25 180 22.5
2 Realfly Fire  CH  22 16 20 24 17 29 25 25 178 22.3
3 MAD Team  PL  20 15 19 23 15 31 27 24 174 21.8
4 Phoenix  BE  18 11 16 21 12 24 22 20 144 18.0
5 Invitro  BE  19 15 15 14 14 24 20 22 143 17.9
6 Phoenic4Namur  BE  19 12 13 17 10 29 18 24 142 17.8
7 Zero!  IT  19 7 15 17 13 17 20 19 127 15.9
8 Heartbeat Skydive Team  NL  15 9 14 14 13 20 14 17 116 14.5
9 Bad Habits  NL  11 11 13 15 12 21 16 16 115 14.4
10 Algoritmo  IT  17 6 11 12 11 16 17 17 107 13.4
11 Joulz  NL  12 9 10 13 11 14 13 12 94 11.8

HF Cubs at the Flyspot Polish Open
HF Flying Rebels and HF Dragonflies then took the first two places on the AA Class leaderboard of the World Tunnel League in November, this time with the HF Flying Rebels on the top.

The Czech national team in 4-way Junior topped it off with the 1st place and a new 22.5 record average at the ISR Grand Prix. They outscored the Polish MAD Team in Roosendaal, who had placed ahead of the Czech 4-way juniors on their home turf at Flyspot Katowice earlier the same month. The trip to the Netherlands completed the identical travel and competition agenda of HF Cubs and HF Flying Rebels very successfully.

Both teams have arrived at the FAI medal level in their respective events, and it is only December. There is more than enough time until the next FAI event, the indoor world cup in April, where they will apply their competition experiences on the highest 4-way level. No other 4-way Junior team will look back at the number of meet rounds that the HF Flying Rebels will have completed by then, and the HF Cubs are probably in the same situation in April 2020.

Both teams have four more months with Indoor Cloud League and World Tunnel League meets, plus other high-profile random events. There will probably be more than one set of medals in reach for the Czech 4-way delegation...

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