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Did You Know...

... that the French B-Team has 70 to 80 training jumps on the summer schedule?

Jessica Thébault, Claire Victoire De Fleurian, Elise Poindron with Nephtys Weembi
posted Jul 26th, 2020 - Planning for training and events has become extremely difficult for any sports teams in the time of the corona virus crisis, and it is not any different for teams in Formation Skydiving competition.

It is challenging enough these days for one team to organize training and get competition practice, which is almost impossible at this point in time. The NSL News has posted scores of seven events with a total of 37 teams since March 11th. This compares to 62 leaderboards with hundreds of team names in the same time period last year.

Planning is even more difficult if somebody is in charge of a whole group of teams, as the situation is for French national coach Mathieu Bernier. On top of his management job for the French skydiving federation, he is now also training and competing with the French 8-way team, as the NSL News reported on July 15th.

At this point in time, his 4-way and 8-way Formation Skydiving delegation consists of a total of at least six outdoor and indoor teams, plus the former 4-way juniors, who are their own separate French 4-way project. Mathieu Bernier has to find the best and most efficient way for the French pursuit of FAI medals at the indoor and outdoor world meets next year.

FAI Indoor World Meet 2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank 4-way Women M,K,D,14 Q,4,5 P,E,9,15 3,N,G,2 6,1,8 F,12,11 13,22,J H,L,B,18 O,20,A,17 21,7,19 Total Avg
1 Nephtys Weembi FR 34 27 35 25 23 25 23 33 31 24 280-1 28.0
2 NFTO UK 34 26 34 28 23 24 24 34 28 23 278-5 27.8
3 XPG4 US 34 26 33 24 21 24 24 28 25 23 262-5 26.2
4 Bubble Hubble RU 29 25 33 24 22 23 22 31 25 21 255-7 25.5
5 China CN 31 26 31 22 23 24 22 30 22 23 254-15 25.4
6 Team X SE 26 25 28 24 20 22 23 28 24 23 243-2 24.3
7 No Mercy PL 29 22 25 21 19 17 21 23 20 22 219-8 21.9
8 Skynamite DE 28 20 26 20 17 17 19 26 18 19 210-10 21.0
9 Voss Vind Girls NO 27 22 24 18 18 19 20 23 19 19 209-6 20.9

Claire Victoire De Fleurian and Elise Poindron with Nephtys Weembi at the FAI Indoor World Meet 2019
Maxime Lacourt with Nephtys Weembi
The NSL News has followed the French national teams in 4-way Open, 4-way Women and 8-way on a regular basis, and the Aerokart Ak'demie project has been a topic several times, as well. Mathieu Bernier is also supervising a 4-way Women team for indoor competition, which was the Nephtys Weembi at the last indoor world meet. Claire Victoire De Fleurian, Elise Poindron and Jessica Thébault are still the French B-Team in 4-way Women and may again compete for France at the indoor world meet next year.

Elise Poindron and Jessica Thébault are also members of the French outdoor B-Team, which is traditionally the starting point for young French skydivers to become members of the national teams in the future. Both are reigning indoor world champions in 4-way Women and will probably try to defend their title next year in April, while the national outdoor teams prepare mostly for their 8-way battle in Tanay.

Mathieu Bernier said that it has become very difficult to put together the B-Team and keep the young and promising members in training. The implications of the corona virus crisis have changed the life situations, including jobs and vacation times of the B-Team members. Even the members of the national teams still have to deal with the management of their personal lives, as well.

As a result, the current B-Team consists of a group of five to six competitors, including Elise Poindron and Jessica Thébault, who train together whenever time and resources allow it. Maxime Lacourt, Mathieu Quizy and Loic Viera complete the current B-Team lineup.

French Indoor Nationals 2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 1,11,Q M,G,14,3 F,21,6 20,L,15 P,12,N,O 4,C,7 B,5,19 8,22,13 K,16,10 2,A,D,J Total Avg
1 Weembi High Rollers FR 30 -1 31 32 29 -1 26 -7 33 -1 37 -1 24 28 -1 40 -1 310 31.0
2 Odin Parachutes Systems FR 26 25 27 24 28 26 -1 29 20 -1 24 -1 31 260 26.0
3 Aerokart Ak'demie FR 24 23 25 -3 26 26 29 -1 26 -2 21 24 31 255 25.5
4 Aerodine Cypres France FR 25 23 27 22 25 -3 27 29 20 23 33 254 25.4
5 Nephtys Weembi FR 23 23 27 21 30 27 -1 28 20 23 31 -5 253 25.3
6 Gavroche Weembi FR 22 23 24 21 24 23 -1 24 -4 17 22 29 229 22.9
7 Weembi Mais Graaaave FR 21 22 22 -1 18 24 -2 26 26 -1 16 -1 22 31 228 22.8
8 Tenanine MR 16 -3 22 -1 24 22 24 -1 23 -2 21 -3 17 -1 22 25 -2 216 21.6
9 Saint Flow Weembi FR 16 -1 17 20 -1 16 19 19 -2 17 15 19 23 181 18.1
10 Monaco Indoor Team FR 18 17 21 16 14 -3 21 16 -1 15 17 24 -1 179 17.9
11 Les Affranchis Weembi FR 20 15 -2 19 13 -1 17 -4 18 19 15 18 24 178 17.8
12 FlyPonots FR 17 17 19 14 18 20 -1 19 13 -2 17 23 177 17.7
12 Be Air FR 15 -1 17 17 -1 16 21 20 -1 18 14 -1 17 22 -2 177 17.7
14 Le 4 Cretin Clermont Para FR 18 17 19 13 -1 16 -1 18 -2 16 -1 13 16 -1 20 -1 166 16.6
15 ViveLaChute - A Bloc ! FR 13 14 18 13 14 14 -2 14 11 11 -2 15 -1 137 13.7

Maxime Lacourt with Odin - Claire Victoire De Fleurian, Elise Poindron and Jessica Thébault with Nephtys at the French Indoor Nationals 2019
Mathieu Quizy with B-Team members in 2018 (4th from right)
Maxime Lacourt has been a member of the Odin Parachute System 4-way team that was founded in 2017. Odin, with father Arnaud Camproux and daughter Elisa in the lineup, started from a 20.5 indoor average in March 2017 and won the silver medals at the French Indoor Nationals 2019 with a 26.0 average.

Maxime Lacourt and Arnaud Camproux also competed outdoors with a different Odin lineup and won the bronze medals behind the two French national teams last year. Maxime Lacourt knows B-Team members Claire Victoire De Fleurian, Elise Poindron and Jessica Thébault from the Weembinamic 2019, where he filled an open slot for the Nephtys Weembi.

Mathieu Quizy, 23 years of age, joined the French B-Team at the age of 20. Mathieu Bernier needed a new member for his second B-Team in 2017 when Gaelle Giesen joined the Espoir Saumur lineup. Gaelle Giesen is now training and competing with the French national teams in 8-way and 4-way Women. Loic Viera is the newest member of the current B-Team. He started jumping in 2015 and competed together with Jessica Thébault and Mathieu Quizy at the national championships last year.

The Espoir B-Team has 70 to 80 jumps on the summer schedule and will show the results of the training at the national championships in August. The event was already postponed by a month, and there is no security for any event. Planning is still as difficult for Mathieu Bernier as it has been so far this year...

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