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News Article Did you know that Monsieur and Madame Ferre follow their sons' competition activities on the NSL News?
posted: Mar 9th, 2011 The next preview of the Shamrock Showdown 2011 features new arrivals in DeLand, with a few new teams and faces, while the training activities continue. The delegation from Denmark is complete, with Bodyflight Voluntas and Bodyflight Atlas picking up the training. Atlas, the new B-Team, has to wait until one member recovers from a stomach flu, while Voluntas was working with coach Solly Williams this morning. Other news came from Russia. Black Cat surprised the NSL News with a registration form that came in by e-mail this morning. The same lineup that competed at the Valentine's Meet 2011... (more)
News Article Did you know that teams have begun to prepare for the Shamrock Showdown 2011?
posted: Mar 8th, 2011 The Shamrock Showdown 2011 is now only ten days away, and Skydive DeLand is getting busier by the hour. The event's home page was recently updated and includes the schedule for the 3-day competition, which begins on Thursday evening with the reception and live competition draw at the Clarion Hotel DeLand. CamScore will provide the judging and DZ-TV services. Skydive DeLand will set up large TV screens for the audience, so the first competition jumps of the world's three top contenders can be seen everywhere. Judy Celaya, Cherie Schuch and Eric Heinsheimer will guarantee that the competition... (more)
News Article Did you know that the DeLand Norgies have a competitive reunion at the Shamrock Showdown?
posted: Mar 4th, 2011 A very special treat is waiting for teams, competitors and audience at the Shamrock Showdown 2011. The team name DeLand Norgies has been posted at the event page since Lise Nansen, formerly Lise Aune, shared an announcement in January that the original lineup (Lise Nansen, Pal Kolbenstvedt, Torstein Valen, Carl-Erik Tuv) will have a reunion at the Shamrock Showdown this year: "The Norgies have finally made it! We have co-ordinated our schedules which isn't the easiest thing to do when you have a pilot, a doctor and a fireman on the team and two of them have kids with ex-wives that also need... (more)
News Article Did you know that the Deep Blue Defenders still laugh a lot?
posted: Feb 28th, 2011 The NSL News mentioned a few times during the coverage of the Valentine's Meet 2011 that the new lineup of the French national 4-way team in the female category was also in Eloy for the team's first training camp but did not enter the competition. Aerodyne Cypres/aka Deep Blue Defenders have the Shamrock Showdown 2011 on the team schedule for the first competition this year, while the French Open Class lineup competed at the Valentine's Meet after opening the 2011 competition season at the Dubai Championship 2011. The reigning 4-way champions in the Open Class have not won a meet yet with... (more)
News Article Did you know that Final Four witnessed the Discovery shuttle launch in freefall?
posted: Feb 25th, 2011 The German 4-way team Final Four is in DeLand for a week of winter training with coach Solly "The Schleifer" Williams. The training on Thursday happened to be over before space shuttle Discovery was launched for its last flight. Final Four decided to make another jump at the end of the day to watch the shuttle launch in freefall. On the same day, World Team leader BJ Worth came to DeLand to prepare for the 3-day weekend of 60-ways, which is a part of his plan for the new 500-way world record attempt. He traveled to Cape Canaveral on Thursday and filmed the shuttle launch live from close range. The... (more)
News Article Did you know that the draw of the sequences will be done publicly?
posted: Feb 23rd, 2011 The NSL News reported the changes of the dive pool on 29 January 2011 and followed up with a few stories related to the new Block 13 (Offset - Spinner) and the modified Block 1 (Snowflake - Snowflake). The same story broke the news that Skydive Dubai will host the World Championship of Formation Skydiving in 2012 and that the event will be a part of a new Mondial, which features all skydiving disciplines at the same time and at the same place. There were more rule changes that were decided at the same meeting of the International Parachuting Committee (IPC) at the end of January in Montenegro.... (more)