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ASL News

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News Article Did you know that the Arizona Skydiving League had international participation last weekend?
posted: May 5th, 2021 The Arizona Skydiving League completed its 4th competition of the 2021 season last weekend at Skydivine Arizona. It turned out to be the busiest meet this year, as seven teams attended the meet. In fact, the participation matched the highest number of teams since Michelle Karamon and Eliana Rodriguez restarted the league in January 2019. The ASL teams used all four NSL categories, with the A Class leaderboard as the winner of the weekend. Eliana Rodriguez was not available to run the event together with Michelle Karamon, and Niklas Hemlin was once again present to support his AZXP8 team mate... (more)
News Article Did you know that female top competitors invest a lot of energy into meet and event organization?
posted: Apr 5th, 2021 The latest NSL News coverage of the most recent 2021 events, Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2021, Shamrock Showdown 2021 and Indoor Cloud League, all had several cross-connections in all possible variations. Most of the overlapping topics between the indoor competition at Paraclete XP and the outdoor competition at Skydive City have been explained and commented. Yesterday's Indoor Cloud League update from ICL Midwest covered how Skydive Midwest NEXT members introduce new participants to 4-way competition and help Midwest teams to advance their skills. The update on March 24th had mostly... (more)
News Article Did you know that the A Class has a long tradition in Arizona?
posted: Apr 3rd, 2021 The Arizona Skydiving League League had a much earlier restart than the Carolina Skydiving League will have. Eliana Rodriguez and Michelle Karamon offered the monthly events at Skydive Arizona again beginning in December 2020. In fact, the weather in Arizona does not really invite skydiving in the extremely hot summer months. Even under regular circumstances ASL teams and organizers take a summer break, as the 2021 schedule is showing, as well. The different climate will have teams and competitors in Arizona complete their 4th ASL meet in May this year, just when the Carolina Skydiving League... (more)
News Article Did you know that there is air travel from Arizona to North Carolina this week?
posted: Feb 22nd, 2021 It is still just as difficult as last year to run live skydiving competitions. However, Eliana Rodriguez and Michelle Karamon keep offering the events of the Arizona Skydiving League in Eloy as long as there is any interest in learning more about 4-way competition from the best. Three teams had launched the ASL 2021 season in January, and two teams followed up last weekend. AZ Defiance were back with the same lineup as in January and completed all six rounds. Arizona Airspeed's Mikhail Markine has been coaching AZ Defiance for a while, and he was still available before heading to North Carolina... (more)
News Article Did you know that she's not a packer but it will be fine?
posted: Feb 5th, 2021 Event cancellations are still a part of the current situation. The latest victim of the corona virus crisis was the Dubai International Parachute Championship (6th DIPC), as the NSL News reported yesterday. Participating in a major international competition takes much larger efforts compared to attending a local or regional meet of the NSL Network. It is also significantly easier for the hosts to respect the guidelines for health safety and security at smaller events. Thus it was not a big surprise that Eliana Rodriguez and Michelle Karamon were able to offer the local and regional teams... (more)
News Article Did you know that Eliana Rodriguez and Michelle were back working together in Eloy?
posted: Dec 9th, 2020 The Arizona Skydiving League League followed up quickly with the next live outdoor competition after the successful completion of the 4-Way FS Skydiving Championships in Eloy. The four teams had not competed two weeks earlier on their home turf and used the new opportunity. It was the 4th meet of the Arizona Skydiving League this year despite the corona virus difficulties and restrictions. Eliana Rodriguez and Michelle Karamon have been running ASL meets monthly since they brought back the league at the beginning of 2019, and they had to slow down this year. Skydive Arizona has been setting... (more)