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ASL News

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News Article Did you know that Joey Who??? was a part of Airspeed's recruiting campaign?
posted: Nov 3rd, 2019 The October meet of the Arizona Skydiving League on Arizona Airspeed's home turf in Eloy featured a world-class pickup team in 1st place on the AAA Class leaderboard that was directly related to a topic that has not received much attention by the NSL News yet. The exciting 4-way Open Class battle between SDC Rhythm XP and Airspeed at the USPA Nationals 2019 has created more than enough headlines and discussion, including the history and the lineups of the new U.S. 4-way champion and national team. The situation of Arizona Airspeed going into the USPA Nationals and the re-match at the FAI Outdoor... (more)
News Article Did you know that the Arizona Skydiving League supports YOUTH ON THEIR OWN?
posted: Oct 30th, 2019 The Arizona Skydiving League is special and unique in many ways. It is the only league in the NSL Network that runs meets every month all the way throughout the whole calendar year. The winter in Arizona allows for training and competition, and Eliana Rodriguez and Michelle Karamon take full advantage of the weather situation. The combination of the winter weather and the meet coaching is unique, as Eliana Rodriguez and Michelle Karamon also get regular support from Airspeed members who live near Skydive Arizona. Last weekend, they were able to add Craig Girard, Niklas Hemlin and Mikhail Markine... (more)
News Article Did you know that a visit at Eloy for ASL meets is well worth the travel?
posted: Aug 20th, 2019 The recent update from Skydive Arizona and the August meet of the Arizona Skydiving League included the coaches who were helping the teams through the 6-round meet with their advice. The NSL News mentioned the wealth of 4-way experiences that were available for the participants. The group of coaches was so extraordinary that the meet update deserves a follow-up story that zooms in on the people who organize events, make their living by helping teams with coaching and are still active in the sport, as well. At the beginning of this year, Eliana Rodriguez and Michelle Karamon re-activated the... (more)
News Article Did you know that a wealth of 4-way experiences was available for Arizona Skydiving League teams?
posted: Aug 19th, 2019 The coverage of last weekend's meets begins with the August meet of the Arizona Skydiving League. ASL organizers Eliana Rodriguez and Michelle Karamon were once again supported by Airspeed members Niklas Hemlin and Mikhail Markine, who were available for all teams and competitors with advice. They worked together with another former Airspeed member, Andy Honigbaum, who has been coaching the Air Force Academy teams for several years. He brought his two teams, Air Force Boomers and Shadow, to Skydive Arizona for some outdoor competition practice before the USPA Nationals next month. Boomers... (more)
News Article Did you know that the Arizona Skydiving League teams braved 108 degrees in Eloy last weekend?
posted: Jul 30th, 2019 While Ranch 2nd Generation's Jeana Billings was helping the participants of the Indoor Cloud League event at Paraclete XP to the scores for the month of July, her team mate Michelle Karamon and Eliana Rodriguez managed the July meet of the Arizona Skydiving League in Eloy. They braved the extremely hot summer temperatures in Arizona last weekend, together with four teams. Eliana Rodriguez reported from Eloy that the temperature went up to 108 degrees at the hottest time of the day. Three of the four teams attended their 7th outdoor meet of the year. The Arizona Skydiving League started with... (more)
News Article Did you know that Arizona Skydiving League teams were strong on the A Class leaderboard?
posted: Jun 10th, 2019 The U.S. teams of the Arizona Skydiving League kept up much better with the German teams at the Paranodon Cup on the A Class leaderboard, after the four rounds that all teams completed. ASL team AZ Defiance had finished in 4th place behind three German AAA Class teams for the best placement. The AAA leaderboard had the combined rankings after five rounds. The wind conditions at Skydive Arizona did not allow additional rounds. Exit Practice was new on the Arizona Skydiving League leaderboard and tied the German team Connected 4 in 1st place. Both teams had a great start at their first meets. ASL... (more)