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NSL News

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News Article Did you know that the European teams are still on a weather hold?
posted: Sep 9th, 2007 The weather situation in Belgium has not improved much yet. It is a very unfortuntae situation for the teams at the ESL Championship 2007. The meet management had prepared a first-class event at the Spa Skydive Center, and the weather did not cooperate at all. There is a big layer of clouds over Central Europe, and even the eager European skydivers have no chance to beat this kind of weather. The third round of the competition was almost completed on Saturday, and the scores of the AAA Class have been added to the leaderboard. It was probably the slowest round of the competition. Hayabusa Defence... (more)
News Article Did you know that Mass Defiance features Round 5 on NSL-TV?
posted: Sep 8th, 2007 Round 5 seems to be an important round when the USPA Nationals come to Skydive Chicago. The Golden Knights used Round 5 in 2002 to create enough distance to Airspeed Vertical and DeLand Majik and carry the lead over the finish line. Airspeed Odyssey made the strongest statement of the USPA Nationals 2007 in Round 5 of this year's event. Odyssey was already two points ahead of Team Fastrax Red after Round 4. However, the 32-pointer in Round 5 made it a 5-point difference, which seems to be enough to wrap it up. (more)
News Article Did you know that Team Fastrax Red is challenging Airspeed Odyssey?
posted: Sep 8th, 2007 The next meet videos have already been uploaded. Steve Redinbo, Team Fastrax Red's videographer, took the time to provide the NSL News and the valued audience and USPA membership with footage directy from his helmet camera. Round 3 can be viewed by clicking on the 26-pointer's link on the leaderboard. Team Fastrax has completed the same number of points as Airspeed Odyssey in each round so far. One infringement at the finish of Block 11 (Photon - Photon) reduced the score for the first round from 23 to 22 points. The NSL-TV audience is invited to look for the flaw. (more)
News Article Did you know that Omniskore closed the door for the NSL News?
posted: Sep 8th, 2007 It is an unfortunate situation for the NSL-TV on-line fans who follow the action of the USPA Nationals 2007. It has become very difficult for the NSL News to get access to the meet videos. USPA and Skydive Chicago kindly agreed prior to the competition that the NSL News will have permission to offer the same features to the USPA membership and the NSL audience that has become normal procedure at NSL News covered events, including streaming videos of competition jumps. USPA's Larry Bagley and Chris Needels confirmed the agreement when the NSL News arrived at the competition site on Friday,... (more)
News Article Did you know that the teams are still on a weather hold in Europe?
posted: Sep 8th, 2007 The same scores of the ESL Championship 2007 that were already on the leaderboard yesterday are still the last ones from Spa in Belgium. Hayabusa Defence (AAA), Wingnutz (AA), Sonic V (A) and 4-Play (R) are still on top of the leaderboard, and the Netherlands are leading the ESL Spirit competition. Former Hayabusa member Sven Ibens manages the event and sent summary of Friday's acivities. (more)
News Article Did you know that the NSL-TV camera observed competition draw and dirtdives?
posted: Sep 8th, 2007 Two rounds of the ESL Championship 2007 were completed on Friday, even though bad weather kept the teams on the ground most of the time. The weather has not been much better in the past days at Skydive Chicago in Ottawa, Illinois, host of the USPA Nationals 2007. However, the skies finally broke open on Friday, and the teams on site had the chance to make a few training jumps. The competition draw took place in Skydive Chicago's still impressive auditorium, which was already used for the same purpose at the USPA Nationals in 2002. The place was packed with teams and competitors when Chief... (more)