Did you know that the new round of NSL-TV comes with a new design? posted: Jan 15th, 2005 The NSL-TV carefully prepares for an extension of the program. The vision of a more comprehensive and entertaining on-line NSL-TV program has been a long-term project for the NSL headquarters. Creating colorful and diversified video files is time consuming and requires additional staff. However, competition jumps, interviews, comments, stories and more will eventually be shown on NSL-TV.
So far, NSL-TV included only the freefall footage of competition jumps. This time, the jumps are presented with more specific information of the event, the jump and the team. The size of the file has been reduced... (more)
Did you know that BJ Worth tries to help building the World Skydivers Village in Thailand? posted: Jan 13th, 2005 Kaleidoscope Dives manager of SkyQuest Florida, World Team leader and former IPC President BJ Worth is leading an effort by skydivers to support the disaster relief after the tsunami damage in Thailand. Worth has a close connection to the "Land of the Smiles" where he has organised several skydiving events in the past. He explained the project in an e-mail that was sent to his following:
"As you know, on 26 December a powerful earthquake and the resulting tsunamis caused widespread destruction to regions of South Asia, including Thailand. The people of Thailand and the Royal Thai Armed Forces... (more)
Did you know that the NSL News is currently working on several more team updates? posted: Jan 11th, 2005 A new posting on the NSL Forum surprised NSL News reporter Kurt Gaebel yesterday. Thomas Hughes, former XL and Arizona Blade member, who currently serves as videographer for the newly formed team "DeLand Fire", posted a note that revealed Gaebel's current activity out in the field. Hughes funny remark in the NSL Forum mentioned his "payback" for the comprehensive recent NSL News stories covering his new engagament with DeLand Fire. (more)
Did you know that Arizona Airspeed has a new line-up and great plans for the 2005 season? posted: Jan 7th, 2005 First of all, the NSL News would like to apologize for a little flaw that came with the latest NSL Newsletter. There was a problem with the direct links to some of the stories. The links to the first stories worked properly, while the remaining ones did not show the according articles.
The reason for this flaw is obviously the fact that the first two stories are posted in the NSL 2005 data base, while all the other stories go back to last year. The empty NSL 2005 screen, which appears after clicking on the 2004 stories, does not mean that these stories are not available any longer. Only the... (more)
Did you know that the 4-way competitors were landing beautifully at SkyQuest 2004? posted: Jan 5th, 2005 The NSL News reported earlier this week that Ron Hill wrote a great story of SkyQuest 2004 for USPA's Parachutist. The other major skydiving publication in the U.S.A., Michael F. Truffer's Skydiving, a Parachuting Newsmagazine, covered SkyQuest 2004 with three full pages of beautiful pictures in the January 2005 issue, as well. The photos were taken by Gustavo Cabana, Andrey Veselov and the magazine's staff.
Owner and editor Michael F. Truffer also dedicated his regular "Editorial" of the same month to SkyQuest 2004. Truffer is a very experienced skydiver and mostly participates in medium and... (more)
Did you know that round six of the NSL Championship 2004 is now on NSL-TV? posted: Jan 4th, 2005 The next round of NSL-TV can now be viewed on NSL-TV. It takes a few more clicks to find the whole coverage. The event took place in 2004. Any coverage of 2004 events is already in the archives, including the NSL-TV pages for 2004 events. The new round of NSL-TV can be found by switching to the NSL 2004 Archives with the navigation bar on the left side. The remaining clicks are the same as they used to be. The links to the video files are also still set in the scoring table at the event page of the NSL Championship 2004. Enjoy the new show. (more)