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NSL News

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News Article Did you know that there was still no winner after 11 rounds?
posted: Sep 13th, 2003 Russia was still in the defensive mode in round eleven, the jump-off that was supposed to be the tie-breaker. However, the defending world champion managed to pick up the speed enough to finish with the same score as Airspeed after a slow start. The crowd knew instantly what another tied round would mean for the World Championship. Russia had successfully defended the 8-way Excalibur. The rule book says that the highest score of the competition determines the winner if a jump-off does not break the tied situation. And Russia had the highest score of the meet with their 26 points in round five. (more)
News Article Did you know that Airspeed and Russia are tied after ten rounds?
posted: Sep 13th, 2003 It came as many hoped for. Russia and U.S.A. are now tied in first place and have to jump again to break the tie. Airspeed and France both posted 16s in a slow round, while Russia once again looked more cautious through this sequence. The jump-off will only be between U.S.A. and Russia. And the teams have already begun preparing the new sequence. The crowd is excited. And the most experienced 8-way competitor in the field, Craig Girard, can't wait to go up for the first jump-off of his career. Can it get more exciting? (more)
News Article Did you know that Airspeed had a sensational comeback in round nine?
posted: Sep 13th, 2003 No, Russia did not have a bad jump. Once again, they engineered the sequence their own way, and it might have been a little bit slower. However, it was not a penalty, not a brainlock, no slow moves. It was simply the fact that they had the lead and two very hungry teams behind them. Airspeed veteran Jack Jefferies explains in an interview with the NSL News the phenomen of this competition situation. Read the interview at the NSL Mondial 2003 homepage.There is no doubt that Airspeed was skydiving with everything they had left. Something had to happen in this round that would show that there is still... (more)
News Article Did you know that Jack Jefferies supports the US teams in Gap?
posted: Sep 12th, 2003 NSL NEWS: Jack, are you here for vacation? JACK JEFFERIES: Yes, I am a tourist. I am here to support the U.S. teams. NSL NEWS: Your support is too late for Synchronicity and the Golden Knights. What do you think about the 4-way events? JACK JEFFERIES: Synchronicity had a couple of bad breaks in the beginning, but they came fighting back which is a sign of a good competitor. Any team can look happy and confident when they are ahead. But to be able to skydive at your best when there seems to be no hope shows true metal. NSL NEWS: 4-way Open? JACK JEFFERIES: The French are having a tremendous competition.... (more)
News Article Did you know that Russia extended the lead in round 8?
posted: Sep 12th, 2003 It is getting tight for Arizona Airspeed in 8-way. The U.S. 8-way team carries the only remaining hopes of the U.S. delegation to win a gold medal in any of the three Formation Skydiving events. The Golden Knights and Synchronicity are both too far behind to help avoiding a situation that has never happened before. The World Meet in France could become the first one in history where the U.S.A. might not win a gold medal. With the additional point that Russia won in round seven, the lead is now up to four points. And only two rounds are left. Everything is still possible since a lead can slip easier... (more)
News Article Did you know that France is out of the 8-way game?
posted: Sep 12th, 2003 It is a hard day for the French to realize that the big goal of winning the gold medals in both events is now out of reach. The 8-way event will have a different winner. And it will be the U.S. team or Russia. While these two teams continued with their exciting race and tied each other for the fourth time, France was one point slower and also lost two more points due to a penalty. It was a close call on an early key and left only 16 points for the scoreboard. One more round of 8-way will be held before the 4-way competition will resume. (more)