Did you know that the Grand Prix of Formation Skydiving in the UK moves closer to the European Skydiving League? posted: Jul 15th, 2004 The European Skydiving League (ESL) has been growing consistently in the past years. ESL founder Willy Boeykens, Director of the Belgian Skydiving Trophy (BST), still continues with efforts to include more European countries. The United Kingdom already has its own "BPA Formation Skydiving Grand Prix" going. Boeykens and UK organizer Andrew Scott discussed plans to synchronize some of their events this year. Finally, the UK Grand Prix applied the same competition draw as ESL and NSL on the July 10/11 meet weekend.
Unfortunately, it was not a very busy weekend in the core parts of the ESL and... (more)
Did you know that round five of the Malevsky Cup created more strong B12 waves in Russia? posted: Jul 14th, 2004 The NSL News gave round five already a lot of attention during the event in Stupino, Russia. The June 30 story covered the technical part and the judging calls on Block 12 (Zipper - Star). Pete Allum commented the events at the Malevsky Cup and the Block 12 trouble in the July 3 story. Further back and not too far away, the June 28 NSL News story of the last Texas Skydiving League competition had already brought up the same topic and the same complications. (more)
Did you know that the Florida Skydiving League had a mini meet in Sebastian? posted: Jul 14th, 2004 It is not unusual and new that the hot Florida summer has never been the peak of the 4-way season. However, the fifth competition of the Florida Skydiving League last weekend was the one with the lowest attendance in the history of one of the oldest leagues in the country. FSL Director Kurt Gaebel was not really surprised with the low attendance. He has experienced the difference between winter and summer season in Florida for many years. He also knew that several of the FSL 2004 teams would not be able to compete at Skydive Sebastian.
DeLand Majik is still in Russia for a training camp from... (more)
Did you know that round four of the Malevsky Cup had many different Diamonds? posted: Jul 13th, 2004 The two top contenders, DeLand Majik and France Maubeuge, did not change anything in round three. It seemed as if Majik had settled at the identical pace that France was going after a slightly slower start. Both teams scored 24 points in time for a sequence on the faster side (7-16-H) and were once again far ahead of Sinapsi PD and the Sky Panthers with 22 points each. The Italian team had apparently shaken off the terrible start into the competition and at least tied the Russian national team for the first time. However, Sinapsi PD and the Sky Panthers completed Block 7 (Side Buddies - Side Buddies),... (more)
Did you know that some teams are currently in trouble? posted: Jul 13th, 2004 Bad luck for the MidAtlantic Skydiving League team Cross Keys O2 Project. Center Inside of the team, Tom Petzold, broke his wrist last Saturday, caused by a bad landing under his reserve. Petzold is in good shape, however, the season is over for him, as his team mates report.
It is a bad timing, if there ever is a good timing for an injury. O2 Project has already put quite some training efforts into the 2004 season. The team consists of Barry Bichler, Tom Petzold, Cherie Schuch, Karl Schuch, Herman Tibbals and competed in the AA Class last year. The same line-up won the silver medal in the Intermediate... (more)
Did you know that three Austrian teams scored a new national record on the NSL SkyVenture Competition weekend in June? posted: Jul 12th, 2004 The Belgian team Hayabusa was the best AAA Class team on the June 26 meet weekend, as the NSL News reported on July 5th. The 18.5 meet average was more than enough to qualify as the Belgian national team for the 2004 world meet. However, this result still did not win the free tunnel time of the NSL SkyVenture Competition in the AAA Class that weekend. (more)