Did you know that the European Skydiving League launches the 2004 season this weekend? posted: Apr 23rd, 2004 The upcoming competition weekend brings the first international meet of the 2004 season. The European Skydiving League launches the new season with events at three different locations.
Skydiving centers in Belgium, Austria and Spain are hosting the 4-way competitions in Europe, while the Georgia Skydiving League and the Colorado Skydiving League open their 2004 competition season at the same time.
This year, the competition draw will be synchronized between the NSL leagues and Europe from the very beginning of the season. Several meets of the 2003 season had already applied the same AAA Class... (more)
Did you know that the Carolina Skydiving League has completed the meet information of last weekend's season opener at the Raeford Parachute Center? posted: Apr 23rd, 2004 Thanks to the Raeford Parachute Center, Randy Kern, manifest, the pilots, and the rest of the staff for hosting the first meet of the season. Also, thanks to our new league director Randy Garman, our meet judge Rodney Cruce, and team members of Controlled Chaos who coached teams during the meet. We had an excellent competition with a total of 15 teams! The weather was perfect which allowed us to complete the meet in one day. This year many new teams are forming. Out of the 15 teams, only 4 of the teams competed last year.In the Introductory class, we had four teams. It is great to see this participation... (more)
Did you know that the meet story of the Florida Skydiving League has been posted? posted: Apr 21st, 2004 The second meet of the Florida Skydiving League 2004 season was competing with a large formation event at Skydive City last weekend. Several FSL competitors who are not currently in a team visited Zephyrhills for the 140-ways. However, the hard core 4-way fans still made their way to Lake Wales, including current and former Z-Hills locals as Ron Hill and Jim and Ellen Vandevelden. Hill (Tail) and Jim Vandevelden (Video) were both Teiwaz members for this meet with Robert Chromy (Center Inside), Kristina Peterson (Point) and Kurt Gaebel (Center Outside) completing the line-up. Ellen Vandevelden kept... (more)
Did you know that round four of the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2004 is now on NSL-TV? posted: Apr 20th, 2004 The NSL-TV studio quickly squeezes in another round of the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2004, while the local reporters and the NSL News are working on last weekend's meet stories from Florida and Carolina. Round four of the FSL season opener in March was a technical challenge for the AAA Class teams in DeLand. Block 15 (Cat - Cat) as the exit maneuver and two more blocks made this round one of the slowest sequences of the competition. Remarkably, there were no penalties at all for any of the AAA Class teams in this challenging round. Everybody seemed to be well prepared to handle it carefully. (more)
Did you know that the Carolina Skydiving League launched the 2004 season with 15 teams competing? posted: Apr 19th, 2004 The Carolina Skydiving League launched its 2004 season successfully at the Raeford Parachute Center last weekend. 15 teams competed in three different competition classes. The AA/Intermediate Class enjoyed the highest participation with nine teams. The CaSL scores complete the first weekend of the 2004 season with more than one league competing at the same time. The NSL News will follow up with stories, pictures and NSL-TV about both events in Florida and North Carolina. (more)
Did you know that the new Norwegian national team won the AAA Class competition in Lake Wales? posted: Apr 17th, 2004 Beautiful spring weather welcomed seven teams at the Florida Skydiving Center in Lake Wales. The combination of perfect weather and a smooth operation provided by the host of the USPA Nationals 2003 guaranteed the completion of the six-round meet early on Saturday afternoon. The new Norwegian national 4-way team passed the first test with a 15.7 meet average and the first place of the AAA Class competition in Lake Wales. Sebastian Teiwaz took the second place with a 14.3 average and six points ahead of team Vitesse, the second project team from Denmark finishing with a 13.3 meet average. The NSL... (more)