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NSL News

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News Article Did you know that Airspeed explains the top spot in a live interview?
posted: Apr 11th, 2009 Airspeed Odyssey will still be around for a while. A live interview with the reigning 4-way world champions after the World Challenge 2009 brought good news and bad news at the same time. The good news are for Formation Skydiving competition in general, the bad news are for the 4-way top teams that want to win any competition that Airspeed Odyssey attends, as well. The Airspeed members made it very clear that they don't even consider retiring at any time soon - even not after losing a meet or the top position in the world. (more)
News Article Did you know that France Maubeuge enjoyed the indoor challenge in Bedford?
posted: Apr 9th, 2009 Round 2 of the World Challenge 2009 has now been uploaded to YouTube and is available for reviews. It was a round where the French national 4-way team, France Maubeuge, gained respect from the tunnel experts. Mathieu Bernier, Guillaume Bernier, Julien Degen and Jeremie Rollet had never attended a tunnel competition before they came to Bedford last week. They were a little bit nervous and did not really know what to expect at the World Challenge 2009. However, they said after the meet that they really enjoyed the competition and were satisfied with their indoor performance. (more)
News Article Did you know that Vertical Obsession is looking for a new Center Inside?
posted: Apr 8th, 2009 Another team is currently looking for a new Center Inside. Vertical Obsession attended two meets of the Ranch Skydiving League last year and traveled to DeLand in November for the NSL Championship at SkyQuest 2008. Rob Jayne, Markus Lucas, Andrew Palermo, Jim Petrocelli and Lee Staebler completed their first 10-round competition and took home a bronze medal. The same lineup made plans for the 2009 season and began with the training early this year. XL and Sinapsi PD member Pete Allum was working with Vertical Obsession at the first camps, and the team was thrilled after their first coaching... (more)
News Article Did you know that Round 1 videos come along with new penalty numbers?
posted: Apr 7th, 2009 The aftermath of the World Challenge 2009 begins with footage of world class tunnel performances. NSL-TV uploaded the videos of the Top 12 teams and their performances in Round 1 of the indoor competition in Bedford. The complete package of Round 1 can now be viewed on YouTube. The videos are in reverse order and begin with the two all-female lineups, the French national team Aerokart Deep Blue, and Pussy Galore with a lineup of current and former world champions in the same category. The video package concludes with Airspeed's first of six sole highscores, a 23-pointer for Round 1. It was... (more)
News Article Did you know that Airspeed made it a 17 - 0 run in Bedford?
posted: Apr 5th, 2009 All available scores have finally been posted, and Airspeed has made it a 17 - 0 streak with the new victory at the World Challenge 2009. Paul Meyer organized a grande finale with a showdown in the viewing hangar. No big surprises were expected any longer on the second day of the competition, and the last viewing and award ceremony turned mostly into a social event. However, everything was prepared for a real showdown. The start of Round 10 in the AAA Class was delayed until the judges were ready with Round 9 and the scores were posted. The teams knew their situation going into the last round... (more)
News Article Did you know that the videos of Round 6 are now available on NSL-TV?
posted: Apr 5th, 2009 The scores of Round 6 are posted, and Joey Jones was right, at least for the first round on Sunday. Nothing has changed. The NSL-TV camera followed the top teams once again into the tunnel this morning. The new clip begins with France Maubeuge and the team's final preparations for Round 6, plus the actual performance in the flying chamber. The 25-pointer turned out to be the 3rd highest score for the round. (more)