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News Article Did you know that Black Cat has a travel agenda this year?
posted: Apr 19th, 2013 The Open Class competition at the USPA Nationals 2011 had three teams registered as guests. Black Cat, the visitors from Russia, were also one of the busiest competition teams of the 2011 season after attending a total of six meets. The Black Cat travel agenda of 2011 was almost like a complete trip around the globe with stops in Dubai (January), Eloy (February), DeLand (March), on home turf in Russia (April, September) and back in Eloy for the USPA Nationals at the end of October. Black Cat is also one of the longest standing teams in the 4way world, and some team members go back as far as... (more)
News Article Did you know that Skydive City hosted a Wind Damaged reunion at the final FSL meet of the regular 2012 season?
posted: Sep 25th, 2012 Five more teams competed last weekend at Skydive City, but only one AAA Class team had the opportunity to experience the Super Sequence in Round 4. Teiwaz finished shortly behind the two AAA Class top teams from Texas in Round 4 and tied the Dallas Pulse score with a 23-pointer after two point deductions. The main competition at Skydive City took place in the A Class where three teams attended the last meet of the regular 2012 season. The Super Sequence also trickled down into the A Class with the first three Random Formations (J-F-E) of the sequence and offered a great scoring opportunity. However,... (more)
News Article Did you know that SOCOM member Juan Lopez made a big step last weekend?
posted: Aug 24th, 2012 Another quick update is overdue after last weekend's meets. The Florida Skydiving League competed together with the teams from the Czech Republic and had bad luck with Florida's summer weather on Saturday. Bob Byrne reported from Skydive City that he had five teams present and ready to go on Saturday. The weather did not allow the completion of any rounds, and only two teams were prepared to come back on Sunday. The new Rookie Class lineup from Skydive City, Pyro4ic, is a team formed by Z-Scrambles and FSL Tunnel Kicker participants. Laura Song helped as a player coach guiding the team through... (more)
News Article Did you know that FSL teams and competitors are now waiting for NWSL scores?
posted: Jul 23rd, 2012 The new leaderboard of last weekend's events begins to take shape, even though the weather did not make it very easy. Teams in Florida managed to complete several rounds, while the Karp Cup of the MidAtlantic Skydiving League was completely weathered out. MASL Director Dennis Miller reported that six teams were ready for action, and only two of them were able to do the first round. Two additional teams had cancelled earlier due to the forecast, and it turned out to be a wise decision, as the Karp Cup was officially postponed after five hours of weather hold. The next MASL meet on August 11 is... (more)
News Article Did you know that the Z-Scrambles teams raised the meet average significantly?
posted: Jul 1st, 2012 The annual Z-Scrambles brought 12 teams together on a very hot Saturday at Skydive City. Laura Song and Oren Kalb had once again prepared the event for 4way fans and recreational skydivers who mix up with more experienced team captains and player coaches for a casual day of 4way fun. Dive pool, competition draw and working time are specific and only taylored to this event. The 3- or 4-point sequences for the four rounds include only the easier random formations and most popular blocks. Block 6 (Stardian - Stardian) and Block 21 (Zig Zag - Marquis) were drawn for this year's event. The working... (more)
News Article Did you know that Z-Hills Commandos was a real family affair last weekend?
posted: Jun 12th, 2012 Chances were little that last weekend's leaderboard would grow much after the scores from the United Kingdom were posted. The NSL News reported earlier that the weather situation in Florida was not very promising. A few teams that had made plans to attend did not even try to possibly beat the weather with a few rounds. However, five teams were eager enough to brave the weather situation, and DeLand Higgs Boson even managed to complete six rounds on Sunday when the weather at Skydive City was better than on Saturday. Higgs Boson was not originally scheduled to compete last weekend, but a recent... (more)