Did you know that NMP-PCH Hayabusa discussed the Shamrock Showdown live with the NSL News? posted: Mar 18th, 2010 The scores and news from Australia took the attention of the NSL News for a day, and it is now time to go straight back to the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2010. The final preparations are in full swing, as Camscore's Jo Bell sets up the judging and DZ-TV system for the combination of 4-way, 8-way and big-way, while TV producer John Dunn works on the stage for the Shamrock show on a regional TV network. Former DeLand Majik world champion and Hayabusa coach Joey Jones will be the host of the show.
His Hayabusa team members visited the NSL office yesterday for a lengthy conversation about Hayabusa's... (more)
Did you know that that Amada member Thomas Perrin has a good reason to leave before the Shamrock Showdown? posted: Mar 16th, 2010 It surely is an impressive field of teams that is already listed at the event pages of the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2010. The French delegation has currently three teams in full training swing in DeLand. However, only two of them will actually compete this weekend.
The NSL News invited the French national B-Team Aerokart Amada Maubeuge for a live NSL Talk in the NSL office, which was recorded this afternoon. The Amada members explained why they are not able to stay and compete at the Shamrock Showdown.
Two Amada members, Sylvain Girault and Thomas Perrin, are also training and competing with... (more)
Did you know that the Shamrock Showdown offers a preview of the Russian 2010 season? posted: Mar 15th, 2010 Yesterday's update from the last day of the Skydive EXPO in DeLand mentioned that two 4-way teams from Russia will compete this weekend at the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2010, Friday 13 and Black Cat.
The internal Russian competition at the season opener of the Florida Skydiving League is a preview of a thrilling 4-way competition season to come in Russia, the host of the World Championship of Formation Skydiving 2010.
It looked for a while as if the Russian shooting star underdog of the past years, Kaktus Hunter, might be able to make its way easily to the top level of 4-way competition in Russia... (more)
Did you know that today's skydiving activities in DeLand were dominated by Shamrock teams? posted: Mar 14th, 2010 More videos and information of the Skydive EXPO 2010 in DeLand can be found at the CYPRES website. Today's activities were all outdoors, the exhibition hall was closed at the end of Saturday.
Team training for the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2010 was already dominating the activities at Skydive DeLand, while Arizona Airspeed members Craig Girard and Mark Kirkby were organizing fun loads for recreational skydivers and visitors of the EXPO.
It was an interesting situation when the silver medalists of the World Championship of Formation Skydiving 2008, Aerodyne Cypres Maubeuge, and the bronze medalist... (more)
Did you know that Scott Latinis competes for the Speedy Kids at the Shamrock Showdown? posted: Mar 9th, 2010 The final preparations for the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2010 are in full swing for many teams. The French national 4-way team in the female category, Aerokart Deep Blue, has already arrived in DeLand and finished the second training day.
A personnel change was reported from the west coast. The Speedy Kids don't have their original Center Inside, Lou Ascione, available next weekend.
However, Melanie Curtis, Nick Grillet and Steve Simar have found a great alternate who will fill the Center Inside slot at the Shamrock.
Scott Latinis will be in DeLand anyway, as he competes with Dallas Rogue... (more)
Did you know that Perris Fury is well prepared for the "Bedrock Circuit"? posted: Mar 8th, 2010 Another world class team is currently getting ready for this year's Spring Tour. Perris Fury has actually reduced the 3-stop tour of the past two years (Valentine's Meet - Shamrock Showdown - World Challenge) to a 2-stop meet trip in 2010 (Shamrock Showdown - World Challenge).
Fury used to travel to Arizona in February to begin the competition season with a visit on Arizona Airspeed's home turf. This year, Fury did not make it to the Valentine's Meet and will open the 2010 season in DeLand, Florida.
It will be the third time that the Perris team competes at the Shamrock Showdown. Fury's first... (more)