Did you know that the first meet videos of the FSL meet at Skydive City are available? posted: Aug 16th, 2009 The Florida Skydiving League completed the August meet with six rounds successfully on Saturday at Skydive City. The weather maps showed heave weather systems all around Florida for the weekend. However, the FSL teams and competitors were lucky and never had to interrupt the smooth operation. The first videos and photos can now be viewed.
Did you know that Rookie Class teams dominated the FSL meet at Skydive Miami? posted: Jul 24th, 2009 The Rookie Class competition was the main part of the July meet of the Florida Skydiving League, which was hosted for the second time by Skydive Miami in Homestead.
It was a home affair only, as no other FSL teams made the long way down to the very south of Florida during the hottest summer time of the year. Only FSL coach and meet director Bob Byrne from Orlando was in Homestead to provide the three Rookie Class teams and one A Class team with guidance for the meet.
Skydive Miami has built a reputation of recruiting many new skydivers for their 4-way lineups in the past years. Some of them,... (more)
Did you know that Cherie and Karl Schuch were back on their home turf last weekend? posted: Jun 30th, 2009 The scores from Russia on the front page have already been replaced by new numbers from the MidAtlantic Skydiving League. Scores from Texas will be added very soon to the new leaderboard. The NSL News will still go back to the news from Russia very soon.
Before that, there are still the missing videos of the June meet of the Florida Skydiving League that have now been uploaded and are available on NSL YouTune TV. The first four rounds were already uploaded on the meet day and a few days later. The missing Rounds 5 and 6 have now been added. These rounds had the more technical sequences for the... (more)
Did you know that the FSL teams competed on the hottest day of the year? posted: Jun 24th, 2009 The first update from Skydive City in Z-Hills, host of the Florida Skydiving League's June meet, came already on Sunday, including the videos of Rounds 1 and 2, plus a photo gallery with team photos and snapshots.
Rounds 3 and 4 have now been uploaded, as well, and they show more of the three AAA and two AA Class that endured the first day of the new Florida summer with record temperatures. The heat index was at 110', and the only refreshing time was the ride to jump altitude.
The two Teiwaz visitors from New Jersey, MidAtlantic Skydiving League competitors Cherie and Karl Schuch, were naturally... (more)
Did you know that videos and photos from Skydive City are already available? posted: Jun 21st, 2009 This weekend's leaderboard keeps growing. The Dutch teams were stopped by bad weather after six rounds in the AAA and A Class, after five rounds in the AA and Rookie Class.
Bad weather was also the reason for a very short meet in Italy. Other international meets take place in the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom. (more)
Did you know that several FSL competitors could only observe the action at the May meet? posted: Jun 11th, 2009 The NSL News has to go back one more time to the May meet of the Florida Skydiving League at Skydive Sebastian, just a little over a week before the next FSL meet takes place at Skydive City in Z-Hills.
There were only four teams that actually signed up for the meet. However, a few other FSL competitors were also on site who did not manage to recruite a complete lineup for the meet in time.
Gary Hansen and Alex Kolb traveled together with the Miami delegation to Sebastian. Gary Hansen trained and competed for years with ZT Mal4mations. Alex Kolb was a Zero Tolerance member in 2008. She moved... (more)