Did you know that Spaceland Force indoor videos of the February camp are now on NSL-TV? posted: Mar 13th, 2009 The NSL News has a special appetizer for this weekend before the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2009 comes up next weekend. The Spaceland lineup that the NSL News introduced already earlier had a windtunnel training camp in February, as the story on 10 March 2009 mentioned.
It was the first time that the new world-class lineup flew together, and team member Thomas Hughes put together a video clip for the NSL-TV audience, which can be viewed by clicking here.
The opening graphic could be confusing, as it shows a Ninja introducing the team's indoor performance. The NSL News recently learned that the... (more)
Did you know that MD Fooza makes perfect sense? posted: Mar 11th, 2009 Another interesting lineup has recently been added to the list of teams for the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2009. Four top US competitors hide behind the team name MD Fooza, which indicates some of the names of the members.
MD stands for Mass Defiance, and the New England Skydiving League team has been covered by the NSL News many times over the years. The last specific MD update was published after the USPA Nationals 2008, on 11 November 2008 (Archives > 2008 > News > Search for "Mass Defiance"), with the headline that Mass Defiance still holds the amateur record average in the USA.
Later stories... (more)
Did you know that the Shamrock Showdown promises national and international drama? posted: Mar 10th, 2009 The NSL News mentioned on 20 February 2009 that a new world class lineup has started with team training. There was not much information available at that time, except the names of the team members: Shannon Pilcher, Ian Bobo, Thomas Hughes and Gary Beyer.
There still is not much more information available at the moment, however, bits trickle in, piece by piece. The NSL News has learned that the new lineup will represent Skydive Spaceland in Texas, the host of this year's USPA Nationals.
Shannon Pilcher, former DeLand Fire 4-way world champion of 2006 and PD Factory Team member, sent the first... (more)
Did you know that the Russian team Crystal has a busy 2009 schedule? posted: Mar 4th, 2009 A team from Russia has joined Airspeed's and Fury's busy odyssey at the beginning of the 2009 season. Team Crystal already competed at the Valentine's Meet 2009, has signed up for the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2009 and will then travel back to Europe and attend the World Challenge 2009 at Bodyflight Bedford.
Andrey Kalugin and Valery Kryshevich trained and competed with Crystal already throughout the 2008 season. Andrey Baldin and Sergey Romanuk completed last year's lineup. Sergey Romanuk used to be a team member of the Russian 8-way team Evolution Pro and competed at this year's world meet in... (more)
Did you know that Sebastian Tempest has a new member in the Point slot? posted: Feb 28th, 2009 The best team of the Florida Skydiving League 2008 and winner of the NSL Championship 2008, Sebastian Tempest, recently reported a personnel change for the 2009 season, as well. Tempest's Center Outside of 2008, Ari Perelman, will not continue with the Sebastian team this year.
The team story of the Sebastian Tempest 2008 line-up began in August 2007 in Zephyrhills when the Teiwaz 4-way scramble with two line-ups brought Chris Ash, Thiago Murradas, Ari Perelman and Kris Byrne together in one of the two line-ups for the FSL meet. Ari Perelman also competed in the other Teiwaz line-up at the same... (more)
Did you know that the CamScore 2009 season begins with the Shamrock Showdown? posted: Feb 26th, 2009 The actual CamScore success story began at the World Challenge indoor competition at Bodyflight Bedford in 2007. Computer wizzard Andrew Mansfield had taken on the challenge to computerize and digitalize DZ-TV and competition judging. Result was a software program that was applied at the World Challenge 2007 and worked flawlessly.
The program took a video feed from the windtunnel cameras through to the CamScore video recording software. The timing of the video footage was controlled by using a camcorder remote client. A video file was created for each competition round, processed via CamScore... (more)