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FSL News

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News Article Did you know that teams from Florida swept last weekend's leaderboard?
posted: Aug 22nd, 2008 The 4-way Formation Skydiving world moves and changes quickly. The World Meet 2008 is over, even though the NSL News coverage will still continue for a while with reviews and event related stories. Other meets have already taken the place on the front page and on the leaderboard. The latest scores from Russia will be evaluated soon, hopefully before the upcoming nine meets this weekend will take the attention of the NSL News. The national championships of the United Kingdom, France, Netherlands and Czech Republic are on the meet agenda, plus several additional events in Europe and the USA. (more)
News Article Did you know that the Florida Skydiving League visited Skydive Miami for the first time?
posted: Jul 21st, 2008 The Florida Skydiving League visited Skydive Miami in Homestead for the first time in history last weekend. Teams from the Miami area have been competing at the other FSL skydiving centers for many years, and the number of teams with skydivers who grew up at Skydive Miami has even been increasing in 2007 and 2008. (more)
News Article Did you know that bad weather shortened the FSL meet at Skydive City?
posted: Jun 27th, 2008 Last weekend's leaderboard shows a unique situation in the AAA Class field. Team Teiwaz appears two times on the same leaderboard, and coincidence places both lineups right next to each other. This is not a mistake. Teiwaz actually competed with two different lineups at two different locations. Jim "Bu" Klinge, Rodney Cruce, Sean Sweeney and Kurt Gaebel competed at the Paraclete XP Money Meet 2008 in Raeford, while Derrick Thomas, Bruce Robertson, Bob Byrne and Dave Ruffell attended the June meet of the Florida Skydiving League at Skydive City. Teiwaz in North Carolina had better luck with... (more)
News Article Did you know that Zero Tolerance Miami has a long team history?
posted: Jun 12th, 2008 NSL-TV moves on with another round of meet videos. Round 3 of the FSL May meet has now been uploaded. FSC Wind Damaged features the AA Class sequence (Q-P-F-13) with two completely different pages at the top of the competition jump. Confusion whether the first formation of the sequence was correctly presented or not held the team from Lake Wales back for a while. The whole first page was seriously hurt by the flaw at the very beginning and costly as of working time. However, FSC Wind Damaged left the first page behind and followed up with a perfect second page, which was probably one of the... (more)
News Article Did you know that three FSL A Class teams were tied after two rounds?
posted: Jun 4th, 2008 The next round of NSL-TV has been uploaded. This time, it features the three A Class teams at the May Meet of the Florida Skydiving League. It was quite a start for Airplay and the two lineups from Skydive Miami, Zero Tolerance and ZT Mal4mations. It was already a very close race in the first round where all three teams posted 2-digit scores and the new all-female Airplay lineup took a 1-point lead. Attentive NSL-TV viewers probably noticed the special way how Airplay presented the team's first round of the meet to the judges and the audience. (more)
News Article Did you know that the first round of FSL-TV is now available?
posted: May 27th, 2008 The completion of last weekend's leaderboard with a total of 30 teams came along with the first meet videos of the previous weekend of May 17. A total of 37 teams competed by then, including eight teams of the Florida Skydiving League at Skydive Sebastian. AAA Class team Sebastian Tempest was already introduced by the NSL News on 28 January 2008, and a few brief updates followed here and there. The FSL May meet was the first time that the new team competed on its home turf. The 15.3 average after the six rounds in Sebastian is lower than the 16.9 average at the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2008.... (more)