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News Article Did you know that round seven of the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2005 is now on NSL-TV?
posted: May 12th, 2005 NSL-TV continues with the coverage of the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2005. Round seven can now be viewed and features once again DeLand Fire with the highest score for this round. Fire was the fastest team on the subterminal page and never showed a weakness for the rest of the skydive. (more)
News Article Did you know that the new DeLand Majik line-up scored the highscore in round six?
posted: May 4th, 2005 Round six of the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2005 continued with the same pattern of the previous rounds. The top teams were still waiting for DeLand Fire to slip for the first time, and it did not happen. Golden Knights team captain John Hoover acknowledged this situation after the meet: "Some people expected them to stumble on at least one of the jumps, but they kept fighting and posting the good scores." (more)
News Article Did you know that the Danish 4-way project still produces new teams and competitors?
posted: Apr 27th, 2005 The NSL News introduced Denmark's plans for the pursuit of medals at the World Championship of Formation Skydiving 2006 on January 24, 2004, for the first time. Sportschef Flemming Nøddegaard and "Team Danmark", which is supported by the Danish government, had created a comprehensive 4-way project to enhance competition skydiving in Denmark. The NSL News posted updates a few times ever since the introduction. The official Danish national team, the "Danez", was planning to compete at the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2005 but had to cancel due to illness of a team member shortly before the meet. One... (more)
News Article Did you know that Norway Arcteryx still kept up with Airspeed's teams in round two?
posted: Apr 25th, 2005 The new round of NSL-TV continues with the coverage of the second meet of the Florida Skydiving League in Lake Wales on April 16, 2005. This FSL competition ran parallel with the third meet of the Southwest Skydiving League in Eloy, Arizona. The SSL meet's footage of that weekend has also arrived at the NSL headquarters, and the first round will be uploaded as soon as the DVD's file format has been successfully processed into web-ready quality. (more)
News Article Did you know that round five of the Shamrock Showdown offered a very tight race for the highscore?
posted: Apr 21st, 2005 Round five of the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2005 was a very close race for the highest score in the AAA Class. DeLand Fire, the Golden Knights and Italy's Sinapsi PD all finished with 23 points within working time. Fire and Sinapsi PD were only 0.01 seconds away from each other when they completed the 23rd point (34.73 seconds - 34.72 seconds). To make the sprint for the finish even more exciting: both teams were exactly tied on the NSL watch when they completed the 20th point (31.04 seconds). The Golden Knights were slightly ahead and completed the 23rd point at 34.50 seconds. None of these three... (more)
News Article Did you know that Airspeed Velocity and Norway Arcteryx tied the highest score for round one?
posted: Apr 19th, 2005 The new round of NSL-TV features the meet opener of the FSL competition in Lake Wales last weekend. The NSL-TV fans can expect a lot of footage to come in the upcoming weeks. Hopefully, the NSL headquarters will be able to keep up with the incoming footage despite the time consuming process of editing and uploading the video files. The FSL Shamrock Showdown 2005 has only been covered until round four at this point, with six more rounds of world class 4-way competition still to come. The first round of last weekend's second FSL meet in Lake Wales hast just been uploaded, while new footage from... (more)