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News Article Did you know that the Orlando Sentinel invites the public to the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2005?
posted: Mar 18th, 2005 Look up! Teams to drop over DeLand The Shamrock Showdown 2005 features world-class sky diving By Charlene Hager-Van Dyke | Sentinel Staff Writer (more)
News Article Did you know that Fastrax Select is ready for the pressure at the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2005?
posted: Mar 16th, 2005 The NSL News story of February 22 had offered general information of the Women's 4-way class history in the U.S.A. The same story also mentioned that there would be a new team challenging the current U.S. national team and world champion, Synchronicity. The NSL News followed up with another story on February 24. This time, the challenger, Fastrax Select, was introduced with profiles of the team members and more background information. The NSL News had visited the Fastrax February training camp in Lake Wales and collected additional information of both Fastrax line-ups. The NSL News story... (more)
News Article Did you know that DeLand Fire seems to be ready for the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2005?
posted: Mar 14th, 2005 The NSL News had introduced the new DeLand team "Fire" with a news story on December 22, 2004, which can still be found in the NSL 2004 Archives. The DeLand Fire story received a lot of attention and initiated several comments and a discussion in the NSL Forum . In fact, this topic was the most visited one in 2004. The NSL News followed up later in December with two stories that covered the status of team videographer and alternate Thomas Hughes (December 24 and 31, 2004). The NSL News had also plans by then to follow up with more DeLand Fire team information. (more)
News Article Did you know that the local media invites the public to the Shamrock Showdown?
posted: Mar 8th, 2005 The local media has always shown a lot of interest in the FSL Shamrock Showdown. Local Newspapers and TV news stations have covered the event year by year. Result was usually a large crowd of spectators visiting on the event days. The pre-coverage and announcement of the event have already begun. Additional stories for the local readers are in the works. (more)
News Article Did you know that organisers of the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2005 are collecting prizes for the Skins Game?
posted: Mar 4th, 2005 The FSL Shamrock Showdown 2005 continues to grow. NSL and Skydive DeLand counted the number of teams that are expected to compete on March 19 - 20 and arrived at the number of twenty teams at this point. The Southwest Skydiving League and the Georgia Skydiving League have also scheduled meets for the same weekend. It will be the first weekend of the 2005 season with synchronized events. NSL and SkyVenture are in the final stage of putting together the NSL SkyVenture Competition for this year's events. It took a little bit longer this time since SkyVenture Arizona will most likely join Perris... (more)
News Article Did you know that the profiles of the Fastrax Select members are no secret any longer?
posted: Feb 24th, 2005 The NSL News recalled the history of the competition in the Women's 4-way category in the U.S.A. in the story on February 20. Conclusion was the fact that Synchronicity has dominated this class in the U.S.A. ever since its official introduction by the IPC. The NSL News story also included the brief introduction of a newly formed team that plans to challenge Synchronicity in the race for the qualification as the U.S. national team, team Fastrax Select. USPA does not have a separate class for all-female teams at the annual USPA Championship, while the IPC has the "Women's Class" at its World Championship... (more)