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FSL News

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News Article Did you know that the NSL News begins the recovery with a new round of NSL-TV?
posted: Aug 30th, 2004 The NSL office is now fully operational again. Computers are fixed, internet connections and networks are functional - time to catch up. There is a lot of new information that has been waiting for delivery to the valued NSL audience. Unfortunately, the same successful recovery did not happen at the Florida Skydiving Center in Lake Wales where the drama continues. The last NSL News story of August 24 explained the devastating damage Hurricane Charley caused in Lake Wales. The Florida Skydiving League had scheduled a make-up and support meet for last weekend. Even though the Florida Skydiving... (more)
News Article Did you know that the Florida Skydiving League has scheduled a make-up event in Lake Wales for this weekend?
posted: Aug 24th, 2004 It was a bizarre week for the NSL headquarters in DeLand, Florida. Hurricane Charley left a devastating trail on its way across the state, which included the DeLand area. Skydive DeLand was without electricity for days, homes of local skydivers were without water and air condition for several days. However, the NSL office, which is located very close to the airport, did not have any problems at all with Charley. The weather strike came with a delay for the NSL. When most of the victims of the hurricane had recovered, the building with the home of the NSL was struck by lightning last Friday,... (more)
News Article Did you know that the latest NSL-TV features the fast FSL round in May?
posted: Aug 12th, 2004 The last update of the NSL-TV coverage includes a new round of the Florida Skydiving League May meet. Round two was the random sequence (C-E-F-L-K) that helped DeLand Majik to a 25.5 meet average after six rounds. Majik scored 41 points within working time and kept the jump still so clean that the Malevsky Cup judges were impressed when judging it inofficially in Russia. (more)
News Article Did you know that a new round of NSL-TV features the FSL May and June meets?
posted: Jul 28th, 2004 The NSL-TV of the Florida Skydiving League has not been updated in a while. The last round of the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2004 in March has now been replaced with the first round of the FSL May meet, which took place at Skydive DeLand, as well. The first round of the FSL June meet at Skydive City in Zephyrhills has been added at the same time. (more)
News Article Did you know that the Florida Skydiving League had a mini meet in Sebastian?
posted: Jul 14th, 2004 It is not unusual and new that the hot Florida summer has never been the peak of the 4-way season. However, the fifth competition of the Florida Skydiving League last weekend was the one with the lowest attendance in the history of one of the oldest leagues in the country. FSL Director Kurt Gaebel was not really surprised with the low attendance. He has experienced the difference between winter and summer season in Florida for many years. He also knew that several of the FSL 2004 teams would not be able to compete at Skydive Sebastian. DeLand Majik is still in Russia for a training camp from... (more)
News Article Did you know that the Florida Skydiving Center hosted the last FSL meet in April 2004?
posted: Jul 1st, 2004 The second meet of the Florida Skydiving League 2004 season was competing with a large formation event at Skydive City last weekend. Several FSL competitors who are not currently in a team visited Zephyrhills for the 140-ways. However, the hard core 4-way fans still made their way to Lake Wales, including current and former Z-Hills locals as Ron Hill and Jim and Ellen Vandevelden. Hill (Tail) and Jim Vandevelden (Video) were both Teiwaz members for this meet with Robert Chromy (Center Inside), Kristina Peterson (Point) and Kurt Gaebel (Center Outside) completing the line-up. Ellen Vandevelden kept... (more)