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NSL News

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News Article Did you know that Black Cat reduces the distance to France?
posted: Aug 14th, 2006 The weather is much better today in Russia than the forecast said yesterday. The skies are blue this morning, and the first bus from the hotel to the competition site shuttled the Accuracy competitors once again at 6:00 am. This event starts early in the morning with the first load taking off at 7:00 am. (more)
News Article Did you know that round ten promises scores up to 50 points in time?
posted: Aug 13th, 2006 The Malevsky Cup 2006 begins as the World Meet 2006 ended - with teams remaining on stand-by status all day long. The 4-way event has a lower priority this time since Canopy Relative Work and Accuracy/Style hold their world championships at the Malevsky Cup 2006. Teams and competitors of these two other two events have already been in the air. The NSL News used some of the ground time to discuss the World Meet 2006 in hindsight with the French competitor and coach Erwan Pouliquen. He won the gold medal in Germany as the technical coach and alternate with the French 8-way team. He also won the... (more)
News Article Did you know that the NSL News has set its Malevsky Cup 2006 office in Russia?
posted: Aug 13th, 2006 The NSL News did not have much time to follow up after the World Meet 2006 was concluded last Thursday in Germany. There was an emotional award ceremony at the competition site before the participants headed back to the hotels for the official closing party. The 4th IPC Anton Malevsky Memorial International Cup 2006 was next on the agenda for the NSL News, and every minute was precious to move the mobile NSL News office from Germany to Russia and prepare for the next competition. (more)
News Article Did you know that the FAI World Meet 2006 is over?
posted: Aug 10th, 2006 The window for jumping any more complete rounds in Gera gets smaller and smaller by the minute. Clouds have covered the sky once again, and the first action by the meet director was to cancel the completion of round six in the female category of the 4-way competition. (more)
News Article Did you know that there is an 8-way race for a slot in the finals between Great Britain and Australia?
posted: Aug 10th, 2006 The scores and many videos were posted yesterday evening, and they speak for themselves. Some additional information might be helpful to provide an even better picture of the current situation. There is enough time for it since the weather does not allow any jumping on Thursday morning. (more)
News Article Did you know that Spa Hayabusa lost four points after missing the load this morning?
posted: Aug 9th, 2006 Wednesday has been a turbulent day so far. The weather situation makes it very difficult for teams, competitors and management to keep the meet moving forward. The judges had to give up on some of the jumps when they were not able to identify formations and maneuvers due to the industrial haze. (more)