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NSL News

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News Article Did you know that the FIFA World Cup gets in the way of skydiving 4-way and soccer fans?
posted: Jun 16th, 2006 The situation in the Netherlands seems to be quite similar compared to last weekend's competition in Great Britain. The English soccer fans that competed at the first competition of the Grand Prix 4-way tour were very lucky when a wind hold at the right time allowed the soccer audience to witness England's 1-0 victory over Paraguy. The NSL News story on June 12, which mentioned the possible interference, was posted before the details of the competition in Great Britain reached the NSL News office. British participants of the Grand Prix meet later confirmed that the wind hold was a lucky coincidence,... (more)
News Article Did you know that SSL-TV has now caught up with FSL-TV of the May 20 competition?
posted: Jun 15th, 2006 The third round of the Southwest Skydiving League's May meet is now on NSL-TV, and this brings the NSL-TV coverage of the SSL meet in Perris and the FSL teams back together on the same pace. The next round will see the teams of both leagues performing the same jumps. (more)
News Article Did you know that more Block 1 feedback comes along with a brandnew Airkix meet video?
posted: Jun 14th, 2006 The NSL News story on June 12 reported that there were doubts whether Perris Airkix' vertical technique for Block 1 (Snowflake - Offset) at the SSL May meet would be acceptable for international judging or not. The NSL News promised to get more information and follow up on the topic. In the meantime, Airkix videographer Andy Wright provided the NSL News with brandnew footage of last weekend's UK Grand Prix competition in Langar, Great Britain. The meet video features Perris Airkix with the team's third round of the meet. The 19-pointer (B-Q-6-11) was the highest score of the meet that had a... (more)
News Article Did you know that 23 teams set a record turnout at the first Grand Prix event in Great Britain?
posted: Jun 13th, 2006 The first Grand Prix event in Great Britain this year was scheduled for May 13 - 14. Unfortunately, the NSL News story on May 16 had to report bad news since the meet was completely weathered out. However, there was already great interest in May, and the participation at last weekend's new attempt to launch the 2006 season reflected the excitement of the UK teams to finally get it going. The 23 teams used all four competition classes to show where they are at the beginning of the competition season, and the meet included fierce races for the first Grand Prix medals in 2006. Especially the A... (more)
News Article Did you know that Perris AirKix' Block 1 technique brings back memories of previous world meets?
posted: Jun 12th, 2006 The first scores of this weekend's competition in the United Kingdom were already posted yesterday, and Perris AirKix, UK's national team in the female category, was leading the AAA/Open Class field after three rounds with a 16.3 average. It must have been difficult for the UK teams to focus on the competition, while England's soccer team played its first game of the World Cup Soccer on Saturday. Soccer is very popular in the United Kingdom, and England's team is expected to play a serious role in the race for the championship. England beat Paraguy 1 - 0 in Saturday's game. Perris AirKix has... (more)
News Article Did you know that two Swedish teams compete for one ticket to Germany?
posted: Jun 9th, 2006 The NSL News mentioned during the meet report from Denmark on June 8 that the Scandinavian neighbour country Sweden will be covered next. Another NSL News story on May 17 had already included the great news that Sweden will join the international league network together with France for the 2006 season. The first competition of the Coupe de France 2006 was already covered in length with the NSL News story on June 7 and included impressive scores by the French national 4-way team in the female category and the French 8-way team. Sweden competed on the same weekend together with France and has... (more)