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NSL News

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News Article Did you know that the Perris AirKix meet video has been added to the last NSL-TV show?
posted: Jun 5th, 2006 The NSL-TV studio had not reviewed the SSL meet video tape thoroughly enough when the NSL News mentioned in last week's story that the Perris AirKix jumps could not be found. The tape was was sent by Southwest Skydiving League Director Erin Murphy, and she sent a note that the missing footage was dubbed at the end of the tape. (more)
News Article Did you know that two NPSL teams have stepped up into new competition classes?
posted: Jun 3rd, 2006 The second attempt of the Northern Plains Skydiving League to kick off the 2006 season was successful. Once again it was not easy since the weather situation was as critical as it was at the original date in May. However, NPSL Director Sandy Grillet was determined to get it done, and he succeeded with an emergency plan: "After looking at the weather and wind forecast late on Saturday I made the decision to move the start time from 8:30 am to 7:00 am. Surprisingly all the competitors supported my decision and agreed to start early. We got four rounds in before 12:30 pm when the winds kicked up... (more)
News Article Did you know that round one of the new SSL-TV shows very busy Perris Fury members?
posted: Jun 3rd, 2006 The video footage of the Southwest Skydiving League's May meet has arrived, and NSL-TV did not hesitate to process and upload the first round Friday afternoon. Unfortunately, the videos of UK's national team in the Women's category, Perris AirKix, are the only ones missing. The different recording format, the European PAL system, was probably the obstacle. However, the other jumps provide the overview of how the SSL teams performed in May, including the top scorer, Elsinore Gravity. It was not the greatest start into the competition for Lou Ascione (Inside Center), Melanie Curtis (Point), John... (more)
News Article Did you know that the new NSL-TV videos continue with the meets in Brazil and Florida?
posted: Jun 2nd, 2006 The next round of NSL-TV continues with the coverage of the Florida Skydiving League's May meet at Skydive City and the first meet of the 2006 season in Brazil. New video footage is on its way from the Southwest Skydiving League to the NSL headquarters in DeLand and will also be uploaded as soon as possible. The third round of the May 20 weekend brought an identical sequence for the teams in the AAA/Open Class and the AA/Intermediate Class (11-E-7). Six AA/Intermediate Class teams scored in the double digits (10/11) in this round, while eight AAA/Open Class teams scored below 10 points. (more)
News Article Did you know that Omniskore will not provide on-line services at the World Meet 2006?
posted: Jun 1st, 2006 The on-line coverage of the major international Formation Skydiving competitions this year will have a different character compared to the past years. The great Omniskore on-line services, which have been provided by Ted and Tim Wagner and their staff, will not be available any longer. The Omniskore owners and inventors have gradually reduced their extraordinary efforts and recently sold their shares of the Omniskore business operation to their former Omniskore partner, Larry Hill, who is the owner of Skydive Arizona. Larry Hill will now decide single handedly how to use the Omniskore hardware... (more)
News Article Did you know that Germany and Austria contributed to the May 20 record weekend?
posted: May 31st, 2006 The record weekend of May 20 with 62 teams competing in the USA and Europe offered the content for many stories. Several of these meet stories have already been posted. They can be found in the NSL News overview and its search engine, and links to the stories are also set at the pages of each league's event. Austria and Germany were part of the record weekend and contributed to the record number of participating teams with several teams competing at three different locations. The NSL News story on May 23 covered one part of the international competition when the Austrian team Monkey Circus and... (more)