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NSL News

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News Article Did you know that the Northern Plains Skydiving League had to cancel the 2006 season opener?
posted: May 11th, 2006 Bad news came in from the Northern Plains Skydiving League yesterday. NPSL Director Sandy Grillet had to inform his teams and competitors that the meet this weekend at Skydive Iowa had to be canceled: "It pains me to inform you that the Skydive Chicago Otter has a maintenance problem that can not be fixed before next week due to missing parts. Bruce and I have spent the last five hours scouring the country for a replacement with no success. Therefore we have no choice but to postpone the Skydive Iowa Jumpstart 2006 boogie and NPSL 4-way meet scheduled for this weekend." The problem with the... (more)
News Article Did you know that FAI rules define how a world record can be set?
posted: May 10th, 2006 The Belgium national 4-way team Spa Hayabusa scored an unofficial 4-way world record at the season opener of the Belgian Skydiving Trophy on April 29. The NSL News posted the news story of the 45-pointer on May 1 and followed up with more meet information on May 5. The stories included the plan of the Belgian meet organizers and team Spa Hayabusa to ask the International Parachuting Commission (IPC) for recognition of the jump as an official world record. The NSL News followed up by studying the rules more carefully to find out what it takes to score an official world record. (more)
News Article Did you know that four Air Force teams competed in Colorado last weekend?
posted: May 9th, 2006 Two teams of the Air Force Academy, BOS and 7XY, came back for the second meet of the Colorado Skydiving League 2006 after competing at the season opener in April. Air Force CAD also attended the team's second meet after competing at the SSL Valentine's Meet 2006 in February. The Air Force Academy sent a new fourth line-up into the race last weekend, the Air Force Shockwave. The AA/Intermediate Class competition draw at the second COSL meet was slower compared to the SSL meet in February and also slower than the one at the COSL April meet. However, Air Force CAD still managed to slightly improve... (more)
News Article Did you know that the German skydiving club FSC Remscheid sends two national teams to the World Meet 2006?
posted: May 7th, 2006 The status of the German 4-way Open and 8-way national teams in Formation Skydiving competition has been relatively unchallenged in the recent years. Teams EADS (4-way) and FSC Remscheid (8-way) have been dominating the FS competition in the host country of the upcoming World Meet. The situation is different in the Women's Class. The Chicas dominated the competition in the female category as much as EADS and FSC Remscheid did in 4-way Open and 8-way. However, the Chicas with Petra Baerenfaenger, (Center Outside), Marion Thomas (Tail), Sylvia Maier (Center Inside) and Ruth Nietsche (Point) were... (more)
News Article Did you know that 17 Belgian teams witnessed Spa Hayabusa's record jump and 21.3 meet average?
posted: May 5th, 2006 The NSL News story on May 1 mentioned that Spa Hayabusa scored a new unofficial world record with the 45-pointer for the fast sequence of random formations (J-O-A-H-F) in round one of Belgium's 2006 season opener last weekend. Additional information of the meet was not available by then. ESL manager Willy Boeykens posted all scores of the meet to the scoreboard of the ESL website today, and Hayabusa member Roy Janssen provided additional details of the competition in Belgium. The NSL scoreboard of the BST event includes the competition draw for each round. The first competition of the Belgian... (more)
News Article Did you know that NSL-TV completes the FSL April meet coverage with the videos of round six?
posted: May 4th, 2006 The results of round six at the Florida Skydiving League's April meet did not change anything in Lake Wales anymore. The AAA/Open Class teams had already settled in their positions, and the last round of the meet only confirmed the final outcome. (more)