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NSL News

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News Article Did you know that a December Fastrax tunnel camp offers a great deal?
posted: Oct 12th, 2005 Mideast Skydiving League Director Randy Connell recently announced a Fastrax tunnel camp at SkyVenture Orlando to his MESL teams and competitors. Fastrax member Eric Gin had provided the basic information of the December camp, and Randy Connell forwarded the invitation to the MESL community. Team Fastrax attended several meets of the Mideast Skydiving League this year and plans to be involved in the league activities even more in the future. However, the December tunnel camp is also open for participants from anywhere. Hey all!Just a quick note to let everyone know about something coming... (more)
News Article Did you know that the best teams in the world of all events will compete in Eloy?
posted: Oct 12th, 2005 The NSL News story on October 7 announced the NSL special event coverage of the World Cup 2005 at Skydive Arizona on October 24 - 29. The event pages have already been uploaded, and information of the participating teams have recently been added to these pages. 27 teams are currently registered for the three Formation Skydiving events, 4-way Open, 4-way Women and 8-way. Only three of these teams have not appeared anywhere at the NSL website yet (Spain in the 4-way Women's event, Lithuania and France in the 4-way Open competition). All other teams already have their team pages after attending... (more)
News Article Did you know that the Team Fastrax Project will continue even bigger and stronger?
posted: Oct 11th, 2005 The NSL News has been collecting feedback from the AAA Class top teams after the USPA Nationals 2005. The evaluation of the event by the top competitors after a phase of digestion began with the recent interview of Gary Smith. The NSL News will continue to offer the insights and views from different team angles. The new series of stories that will cover the evaluation of the 2005 season, the review of events from team perspectives and future plans of these teams will also include AA Class and A Class teams. Team Fastrax founder John Hart provided the answers to NSL News questions that tried... (more)
News Article Did you know that Natasha Montgomery's NSL Profile story is now posted?
posted: Oct 11th, 2005 The next NSL Profile story has been completed and is now posted. The current shooting star of 4-way Formation Skydiving competition, Natasha Montgomery, is the third DeLand Fire member featured at the NSL Profile pages. It is an interesting aspect of these three profile stories that Gary Smith, Shannon Pilcher and Natasha Montgomery were selected for the NSL Profiles when they were far from even considering jumping together in the same team. In fact, the career stories of Shannon Pilcher and Gary Smith surely need updates. (more)
News Article Did you know that the World Cup 2005 will once again offer the Omniskore/NSL News combination?
posted: Oct 7th, 2005 The series of exciting 4-way and 8-way Formation Skydiving competitions with NSL News participation continues on a regular basis. The coverage of the regular National Skydiving League season, along with meet stories of many international meets around the world, has been part of the normal NSL News operation for a long time. Naturally, the NSL Playoffs and NSL Championship events have always found special attention in the NSL history. The World Championship of Formation Skydiving in Gap, France, the Mondial 2003, was the first event where the NSL News went a step further and created special event... (more)
News Article Did you know that DeLand Fire member Gary Smith visited the NSL office for a live interview?
posted: Oct 6th, 2005 The NSL News interviewed DeLand Fire member Gary Smith after landing from round three during the USPA Nationals 2005. This live interview was a part of the NSL News story on September 5. An interview with DeLand Fire and PD Factory Team member Ian Bobo in the NSL News story on September 8 offered additional feedback directly from the new USPA 4-way champion and US national team. The NSL News still has not followed up yet with a performance and meet evaluation directly provided by DeLand Fire. DeLand Fire's point, Gary Smith, visited the NSL office today and took the time for another live interview... (more)