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NSL News

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News Article Did you know that the Golden Knights' new focus on 8-way improves the US chances for gold in 2010?
posted: Jul 9th, 2009 The NSL News reported the 8-way scores of the Paraclete XP Indoor Skydiving Championship 2009 on 15 June 2009. Two 8-way teams attended the first indoor competition, and Paraclete XP won by 12 points over the Golden Knights with a 24.9 average. The first appearance of the US Army's new 8-way lineup confirms the latest change of the Golden Knights' event priorities. The 8-way event was the prime discipline for the US Army team for many years. In fact, the Golden Knights are still in possession of the 8-way world record for a single round (31) and also for the meet average (22.4) which were... (more)
News Article Did you know that 115 teams competed at the annual German 2-way meet?
posted: Jul 8th, 2009 Germany organized a nationwide 2-way Formation Skydiving competition for the third time on the July 4 weekend. This time, 21 different dropzones in Germany worked together, and 115 2-way teams competed at the event. The Aero Fallschirmsport management in Kassel is in charge of the logistics. Göran Meyer, a member of the multiple German 4-way and 8-way champion team EADS, created the event ten years ago in Schweighofen, a small dropzone in the southwest of Germany, near the border to France. He has organized and grown the event ever since. Mathias Maushake, a former German 8-way champion... (more)
News Article Did you know that the Virginia Parachute Council supports a 4-way recruiting project?
posted: Jul 7th, 2009 VPC host Skydive the Point in West Point is now hosting a monthly player-coach training camp for anyone who is interested in 4-way Formation Skydiving. The skydiving club is scheduling these events to encourage and nurture new skydivers who want to improve their 4-way skills. The first of these events in 2009 was held on July 4th. Twelve participants signed up to jump with seasoned 4-way competitors in a format used at the popular "scrambles" events. The A Class competition draw of the July 4 meet weekend was used to create the sequences for the jumps. VPC Director John Meyer reported that... (more)
News Article Did you know that Evolution posted a new national highscore for Sweden last weekend?
posted: Jul 6th, 2009 The NSL News reported on 25 June 2009 how Sweden and Finland both had bad luck with the weather on their first meet weekend this year. The teams from the Scandinavian countries coincided to have their second meet of the 2009 season once again on the same weekend, and the weather was good enough to allow a completed competition in Sweden and four/five rounds in Finland. Lennart Vestbom, representative for the Swedish Parachuting Association, told the NSL News that the Swedish national team of 2008, Evolution, was already selected as the new national team of 2009 after the first 2009 meet: "This... (more)
News Article Did you know that the Mass Defiance 19.3 average is still in jeopardy?
posted: Jul 5th, 2009 The NSL News follows up on the July 1 story, which included the videos of the Midwest Skydiving League teams that competed at this year's season opener at Skydive Chicago. The NSL News promised to upload additional videos later, focused especially on AAA Class team SDC Rhythm XP. The new round of NSL-TV videos includes all six rounds of the MWSL shooting star and also additional rounds of the new AA Class lineup, CSC Pareto Optimal. (more)
News Article Did you know that the World Cup 2009 has open slots for US teams?
posted: Jul 4th, 2009 The event pages for all three Formation Skydiving events (4-way Open, 4-way Women, 8-way Open) of the FAI World Cup 2009 have been set up for a little while now, and the scores offer a review of the last World Cup in Russia 2007. As in 2007, no US 4-way teams have registered for the most relevant international competition this year so far. The US 2009 slots seem to be open for other teams, as the three top contenders (Arizona Airspeed, Perris Fury, Spaceland Force XP) have no plans to travel to Europe at this point in time. However, the World Cup of 2007 was exciting enough, even without US... (more)