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News Article Did you know that an Airspeed XPG4 combination produced world-class ICL scores for July?
posted: Aug 5th, 2020 The 2020 leaderboard of the Indoor Cloud League is still not a very pretty sight, and it will probably improve only by little. However, the July competition had at least more to offer than the time period between April and June. January and February still had complete numbers on the 14+ leaderboard, before the impact of the corona virus crisis became visible with the decreasing Indoor Cloud League participation. The Hurricane Factory was not in operation for only one month, and the ICL scores and videos are usually generated by training teams in the Czech Republic, while the ICL activities in... (more)
News Article Did you know that HF Flying Circus won back the upper indoor hand for the moment?
posted: Aug 3rd, 2020 New scores and videos came once again from the Czech Republic, where 4-way teams are back in action, even if the number of participating teams is significantly lower compared to events in the past. The corona virus crisis is still having its impact on Formation Skydiving competition, even in countries that seem to have mastered it well enough. The latest scores are coming from the Czech national outdoor championship, and the NSL News will soon follow up with more details. In the meantime, Jan Klapka was also able to perform the July sequences of the Indoor Cloud League at the Hurricane Factory.... (more)
News Article Did you know that the Czech 4-way teams are not professional competitors?
posted: Jul 7th, 2020 The Czech Republic had a very strong comeback into 4-way Formation Skydiving competition after the country's corona virus break. In fact, June/July has been one of the busiest times for the Czech 4-way teams. It seems like they were very eager to get back into indoor and outdoor action after patiently waiting out the impact of the pandemic in their country. The NSL News is quickly following up on yesterday's update from the Czech Republic, which covered the first 4-way outdoor competition for original HF Cubs member Sabina Cioleková. The regular NSL News updates from the Czech Republic and... (more)
News Article Did you know that HF Flying Circus outscored HF Cubs in May?
posted: Jun 4th, 2020 The most recent NSL News update covered the upcoming indoor competition of the World Tunnel League in Finland, including a preview by coaches David Grauwels and Pete Allum. The story related to 4-way training and competition in the Czech Republic, where the corona virus crisis was also mastered well enough to resume windtunnel and dropzone operations. Teams from Finland and the Czech Republic will soon post scores on the same leaderboard of the WTL June competition. Finland will have their two best teams behind the Pro Team facing each other in Helsinki, while HF Flying Circus and HF Cubs have... (more)
News Article Did you know that even more Indoor Cloud League scores and videos for March came from iFLY Dallas?
posted: Apr 4th, 2020 More Indoor Cloud League scores and videos for the month of March have made it to last month's leaderboard, which turns out to be bigger than it could be expected considering the corona virus circumstances. There were several ICL events that took place before the wind tunnels were shut down, just as skydiving centers have also stopped their operations in most countries of the world, at some time in March. iFLY Dallas' ICL organizer Kyle Hermberg was back from his successful trip to Paraclete XP, where his team Barhons had won the AA/Intermediate Class competition, as the NSL News reported... (more)
News Article Did you know that Paraclete XP posted Indoor Cloud League scores and videos for March before taking an ICL break?
posted: Apr 2nd, 2020 Paraclete XP's Indoor Cloud League team was also still able to run an event before corona virus restrictions limited the activities in North Carolina. The March leaderboard will probably not grow much more, and there is no indication when the next ICL scores and videos will be posted. Morgan Womble still welcomed her group of ICL competitors in March, including a few new participants whose names appear for the first time on Paraclete XP's leaderboard and in the complete ICL roster. She still continues to organize the ICL events at Paraclete XP, even after her new commitment with XPG4, as the... (more)