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News Article Did you know that the new SDMW NEXT lineup have a very promising starting point?
posted: Oct 2nd, 2020 It was only a few days ago when the NSL News reported the lineup change of Skydive Midwest NEXT. The story mentioned that there was a connection between the team and Indoor Cloud League activities at Paraclete XP, ICL Midwest and ICL Capital Region. The direct connection to the earlier update came when SDMW NEXT member Lauren Byrd submitted the September scores and videos of the ICL Midwest team. Her new lineup, with Gorka Amian in the tail slot for Chris Haslam, performed the AAA sequence for the ICL Midwest team, and it was an impressive start. The 26-pointer for the slot-switching sequence,... (more)
News Article Did you know that former and current Czech 4-way juniors posted all Indoor Cloud League September scores?
posted: Sep 30th, 2020 Several European countries are now facing the second wave of the corona virus pandemic, and the situation has once again an impact on the Formation Skydiving world, as well. Jan Klapka reported from the Czech Republic that two members of the HF Cubs have temporarily withdrawn, as it had happened earlier this year. He said that the Czech parliament will decide today how to deal with the health crisis this time. He is afraid that skydiving centers and the Hurricane Factory will be shut down, as they were earlier this year. Nevertheless he was able to complete his Indoor Cloud League leaderboard... (more)
News Article Did you know that Skydive City team ZEAL continue with or without national championships on home turf?
posted: Sep 4th, 2020 It has been a very difficult year for teams and Formation Skydiving competition events so far. The corona virus crisis had its big impact just as much on the skydiving world as it had on the economy, and many business operations will not even be able to resume. The impact on skydiving competition cannot be measured yet, as most of the regular events had to be canceled in 2020. The handful of 4-way competitions that have taken place had to be small, due to restrictions and caution of potential participants. Even the scheduled and coming online events will most likely have lower participation... (more)
News Article Did you know that the internet connects teams more than ever in September?
posted: Sep 3rd, 2020 It has been a while since all Indoor Cloud League teams on the 14+ leaderboard posted scores and videos for the same month. It was in February this year when seven ICL teams generated the fourth consecutive 7-team leaderboard. Then the corona virus crisis slowed down the participation to four teams in March, and April was the first month without any participation at all. The Hurricane Factory was back alone in May, and iFLY Tampa joined the attempt of a restart in June. Paraclete XP had the comeback in July, and the August leaderboard now features three teams with scores and videos. Events... (more)
News Article Did you know that the ICL Midwest team had a very strong start in August?
posted: Aug 31st, 2020 The HF Cubs turned the internal AAA/AA competition with HF Flying Circus again in August. The still reigning 4-way Junior world champions were ahead in the first two months of the year (112 - 96) for the four sequences in January and February and before the implications of the corona virus crisis. The Czech national team in 4-way Open then have had the upper hand since the teams resumed the Indoor Cloud League competition at the Hurricane Factory in May (143 - 131). It was once again a close competition between the two Czech teams in August, and the HF Cubs won both sequences by a point. Jan... (more)
News Article Did you know that Lauren Byrd and SDMW NEXT launch new Indoor Cloud League team in the Midwest?
posted: Aug 12th, 2020 Many U.S. top competitors have their roots in the Midwest of the country, and it is no coincidence that SDC Rhythm XP have their summer headquarters at Skydive Chicago. The Chicagoland Skydiving Center was the host for the USPA Nationals 2018, and Skydive Midwest has been the home for SDMW NEXT, USPA Advanced Class champion of 2016. The Midwest Skydiving League is one of the longest-standing leagues in the NSL Network. It was founded in 2001, with the first MWSL director Howy Hensen managing the events. SDC Rhythm XP is currently running the MWSL operation, and JaNette Lefkowitz guided a few... (more)