Did you know that the complete first round of the Shamrock Showdown is now on NSL-TV? posted: Mar 21st, 2006 The first meet video of the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2006 was posted yesterday and featured the unofficial world record jump of DeLand Fire in round four. The NSL News promised to follow up with the complete first round of the meet, and the jumps have been uploaded this morning. They can be viewed by clicking on the little icon next to the score. (more)
Did you know that DeLand Fire's 47-pointer in Round 4 is now on NSL-TV? posted: Mar 20th, 2006 Round 4 of the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2006 was obviously the fastest jump of the whole competition draw. But the sequence of only Random Formations (F-M-P-O-E) was even faster than other similar sequences drawn at earlier meets in the history of Formation Skydiving competiton. (more)
Did you know that teams were "Falling with Flair" at the Shamrock Showdown?? posted: Mar 20th, 2006 The NSL News begins the coverage of the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2006 with another article in a local newspaper. The Orlando Sentinel had already published a preview on March 15. This time, the Daytona Beach News-Journal sent a reporter and photographer to be a part of the actual action on Saturday.
The article was published on Sunday, March 19, the second day of the 10-round competition in DeLand. This article went deeper into the environment of teams and competitors during a competition. News-Journal reporter Christine Girardin chose Fastrax as the featured team and received a lot of information... (more)
Did you know that Fastrax used the off-day for other team activities? posted: Mar 16th, 2006 The preparations for the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2006 in DeLand were in full swing yesterday. DeLand Fire did the first training jumps with the original line-up after Natasha Montgomery's back injury in January.
The NSL News story on January 22 had provided the details of the injury, and Natasha has worked hard in the meantime to get back into physical shape strong enough to resume training and compete. She said that she feels good, strong and confident, and the team members confirmed her full recovery. (more)
Did you know that the first Shamrock Showdown preview was published in today's newspaper? posted: Mar 15th, 2006 The local media in the DeLand area has already directed some attention to the upcoming FSL Shamrock Showdown 2006. The annual event usually attracts additional flocks of spectators to Skydive DeLand on the event days, especially when the media has announced the competition with previews.
Today's article in the Orlando Sentinel covers the Shamrock Showdown as one of the area events this weekend, which are worth a visit. The content of the article is based on information provided by the FSL management in press releases. Today's story is accurate, except that DeLand Majik does not compete any longer... (more)
Did you know that DeLand Fire has to defend the winning streak of DeLand teams this weekend? posted: Mar 13th, 2006 It seems as if the SSL Valentine's Meet 2006 has just been completed, and the next major event of the 2006 season is already coming up. The FSL Shamrock Showdown 2006 on March 18 - 19 this weekend has been the season opener for the Florida Skydiving League since 2004.
The first Shamrock Showdown with the current format was already held in 2002, but it was only the third meet of the regular Florida Skydiving League season in 2002 and 2003. The FSL ran meets in January and February back then, as well. The FSL management decided in 2004 to offer teams and competitors in Florida a longer winter... (more)