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News Article Did you know that Zero Tolerance Miami is out and ZT Mal4mations is in?
posted: Mar 5th, 2006 The NSL News received a press release from a Florida Skydiving League team last week. Zero Tolerance Miami has been a long standing participant of the Florida Skydiving League. The team was founded in 2001 and competed for the very first time at the FSL 2001 season opener on January 28 at Skydve DeLand. The NSL News reported by then: "Zero Tolerance Miami, with Helena Poleo, Guido Marti, Jeff Bacigaludo and Robert Stoky, placed third with a 4.7 average, tying the round six highscore of six points. It was their first competition ever." It was the Intermediate Class competition in 2001, and ZeroT... (more)
News Article Did you know that a new round of NSL-TV features the teams of last weekend's FSL competition?
posted: Oct 5th, 2005 The last NSL-TV show came from the USPA Nationals in Perris in September. There was no new footage available since the Perris event until the Florida Skydiving League held its last meet of the 2005 season last weekend. The new files are slightly larger than before and offer better quality. The FSL footage shows two new teams at work. The DeLand YaYa Sisters have not been on NSL-TV yet, and the video also offers the opportunity to watch DeLand Fire member Gary Smith as the player coach in the center inside position. He jumps the center outside slot of the front piece together with point Natasha... (more)
News Article Did you know that Bob Hallett is still optimistic for the future of Skydive DeLand?
posted: Oct 5th, 2005 The Florida Skydiving League had just completed its last meet of the 2005 season at Skydive DeLand, with two teams completing the last rounds of the meet on Sunday, before disaster struck the professional skydiving center once again this year. Skydive DeLand's Pilatus Porter crashed on Monday. The NSL News leaves the sad news for the local newspaper, the Daytona Beach News Journal. The first story was posted on Tuesday, the day after the accident. The News Journal followed up with another story today, which offers the perspective of Bob Hallett, owner of Skydive DeLand. (more)
News Article Did you know that the Florida Skydiving League sponsors its champions for SkyQuest 2005?
posted: Oct 1st, 2005 The Florida Skydiving League had scheduled the last competition of the 2005 season to fill the gap between the August meet and the NSL Championship 2005 in November and to crown this year's FSL champions. It was worth for the winners to attend the FSL Championship 2005 event at Skydive DeLand. The FSL management had committed at the beginning of the 2005 season to sponsor the FSL champions of each competition class for their visit at the NSL Championship at SkyQuest 2005. The Florida Skydiving League will cover most of the SkyQuest 2005 expenses for the two teams that are eligible for the... (more)
News Article Did you know that Zero Tolerance Miami introduced a new member to 4-way competition in Florida?
posted: Aug 24th, 2005 The NSL News story on July 20 had already covered the summer situation in Florida for the July meet. It was not much different in August. Three teams made their way to the Florida Skydiving Center in Lake Wales to compete at the 6th FSL meet of the 2005 season, which served as the FSL event of the NSL Playoffs 2005 at the same time. USPA national judge and regional USPA Director Richard Schachner used the last opportunity for some judging training before the USPA Nationals 2005. He had to leave on Sunday heading to the west coast since the event training for the USPA judges and the competition... (more)
News Article Did you know that more Black Magick is now on NSL-TV?
posted: Jul 27th, 2005 The NSL-TV production is a little bit behind schedule. The NSL News story announcing the Malevsky Cup DVDs last week promised new NSL-TV very soon, first FSL then SSL footage. There was a new round of NSL-TV next day, however, it covered the June meet of the Northern Plains Skydiving League. The NPSL DVD, provided by NPSL Director Sandy Grillet, became priority after weeks of waiting for NSL-TV attention. Then came last weekend's meet stories, and the new rounds of NSL-TV had to wait even longer. However, the second round of the Florida Skydiving League's June meet at Skydive City could finally... (more)