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NSL News

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News Article Did you know that a surprise for the NSL News audience waited in Bedford?
posted: Apr 6th, 2007 The NSL News office has completed the move from DeLand to Bedford for the weekend, and today's story was posted from the World Challenge 2007 event site at the Bodyflight wind tunnel. The first story brings breaking news and supporting evidence. Team Fastrax has joined the field of world-class teams in Bedford, which was a surprise for the NSL News and its audience. The Fastrax members did not mention at the Shamrock Showdown that the World Challenge 2007 was on the team's schedule. In fact, the NSL News mentioned several times that Airspeed Odyssey would be in the spotlight once again and... (more)
News Article Did you know that the NSL-TV coverage of the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2007 is complete?
posted: Apr 5th, 2007 The videos of Round 10 have been uploaded, and the NSL-TV coverage of the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2007 is complete. The competition in DeLand was a promising preview of what can be expected this year - a most exciting race for the AAA/Open Class qualification as the US national 4-way team at the World Meet 2008 in France. (more)
News Article Did you know that the German Chicas won $450 cash in Round 9?
posted: Apr 4th, 2007 Three more days are left until the next competition will be covered live by the NSL News, Bodyflight Bedford's World Challenge 2007. Airspeed Odyssey will be a part of this competition, as well, and NSL-TV will just have completed the coverage of the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2007 when new footage of the Arizona team will become available. The videos of Round 9 were uploaded today and can now be viewed on NSL-TV. The third round on the second day of the competition in DeLand was a continuation of the previous rounds on Sunday at the top of the leaderboard. (more)
News Article Did you know that Denmark has three new line-ups for the project teams?
posted: Apr 3rd, 2007 The NSL News promised earlier today to provide an update from Denmark. The new Danish national team "Danish Blaze" had competed at the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2007 and ended up with a 13.9 average at the end of the 10-round meet. Round 8 was the highlight for Danish Blaze and is currently featured on NSL-TV. (more)
News Article Did you know that NSL-TV coverage of the Shamrock Showdown is back in full strength for Round 8?
posted: Apr 3rd, 2007 NSL-TV coverage of the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2007 is back to full strength. All 13 videos of Round 8 have been processed and uploaded. The prizes for Round 8 of the Skins Game were sponsored by Performance Designs ($300 cash) and Skydive DeLand (two free team jumps for the winner of this round). The winner after handicap was once again Team Fastrax. Team Fastrax continued with the same momentum as in Rounds 6 and 7 and tried to get even closer to the leader. However, Airspeed Odyssey was prepared to defend the 3-point lead and tied Fastrax' 27-pointer. (more)
News Article Did you know that Team Fastrax dominated the second half of the Shamrock Showdown?
posted: Apr 2nd, 2007 The week begins with good news and bad news for the NSL-TV audience. The good news is the fact that the best jump of Round 7 can now be viewed on NSL-TV. The bad news is the fact that only a total of four videos could be uploaded. Fortunately, only jumps of Round 7 are missing. Round 8 will most likely feature the whole field of teams again. Round 7 was the beginning of the second competition day at the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2007. It began as the Saturday had already ended. Team Fastrax took control of the world-class competition in DeLand. It was too late to catch up with Airspeed Odyssey.... (more)