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NSL News

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News Article Did you know that the Italian 8-way team Ex3mo posted new national record scores last week?
posted: Sep 6th, 2006 The Italian Nationals 2006 did not only feature Sinapsi PD. The most successful Italian 4-way team of the past years received the most attention when the NSL News reported of the event last week. However, Italy has several other good 4-way teams, and the general scoring level of all AAA Class teams was quite impressive. Only one of the ten AAA Class teams did not get to the 2-digit meet average. The Spin Team in second place finished with a 16.6 average, while the bronze medals went to Felix Poseidon with a 15.6 average. Additional 14 teams competed in Italy's Intermediate Class, which is... (more)
News Article Did you know that Natasha Montgomery is the first female 4-way world champion?
posted: Sep 5th, 2006 The NSL News has covered the World Meet 2006 in length. However, there are still many stories that have not made it to the front page yet. One of these stories is overdue and picks up a topic that the NSL News has already touched lightly several times in the past. (more)
News Article Did you know that the DeLand Norgies won the Norwegian Nationals at their 2006 reunion?
posted: Sep 2nd, 2006 Norway Arcteryx was one more national team that still had to compete at the national championships after representing the Scandinavian country at the World Meet 2006. The travel and competition schedule for Arcteryx was tight and gave the Norwegian team seven days between the end of the competition in Germany and the first jump in Norway. The Czech team Sky Service and Italy's Sinapsi PD did not have any serious competition at their national championships after the World Meet. This was very different for Norway's national team when they came home, even though the challenger has no plans to threaten... (more)
News Article Did you know that Sinapsi PD won the Italian Nationals 2006 for a 22.9 season average?
posted: Aug 31st, 2006 The valued NSL News audience has probably already detected that last weekend's scores on the front page were replaced step by step with new results. The 4-way competition of the Italian Nationals 2006 was completed today, and Italy's IPC Delegate Sara Sacchet directed the NSL attention to the latest event in Europe. The NSL News story on August 29 mentioned that the 2006 season is far from over. Only the national teams are actually past their main event after the conclusion of the World Meet 2006 in Germany. Several national championships and other larger competitions were and are still to come. Two... (more)
News Article Did you know that Elsinore Vengeance competed with an alternate on August 19?
posted: Aug 30th, 2006 The NSL News catches up with a competition that took place while the NSL office was still on the road. The scores and meet information from the last meet of the Northwest Skydiving League are now available, and NWSL Director Harry Waller wrote the outline of the meet story. Meet #2 of the Northwest Skydiving League started early on August 19 and proceeded without a hitch. However, it proved challenging for Elsinore Vengeance. Training was going well this year until the team's Point, Lisa Albrecht, broke her leg three weeks ago on the 3rd jump of a 2-day training camp in Oregon. (more)
News Article Did you know that Sky Service completed a very successful Czech 2006 season?
posted: Aug 29th, 2006 Yesterday's NSL News covered one of the two international meets last weekend, while an update from New England was expected to arrive at any time. The Dutch League's scoreboard needed an update with some missing scores, as well, which have now been added. In the meantime, word came from New England, and the meet was weathered out, due to a low ceiling of less than 5,000 feet for the whole weekend. This means that only the Netherlands and the Czech Republic are responsible all scores on last weekend's leaderboard. However, the teams of both European countries kept distance from each other. The... (more)