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NSL News

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News Article Did you know that Sinapsi PD with Pete Allum resumes the team training while Thomas Hughes is still waiting?
posted: Nov 8th, 2005 The NSL News story on October 17 had provided an update of the "Pete Allum Case" and FAI's revised rules for international eligibility. The NSL News story on October 23 followed up with an update how the new FAI rules would work for Thomas Hughes. Most of the people who have been involved in the rules discussion were on site at the FAI World Cup 2005 at Skydive Arizona in Eloy. The NSL News used the opportunity to ask questions and collect information and feedback. (more)
News Article Did you know that the Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund brought great help to skydivers in the New Orleans area?
posted: Nov 7th, 2005 The NSL audience probably noticed in September that a banner was added to the front page. The link behind the logo of the "Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund" opens a page on Team Fastrax' website, which offers the opportunity to help the relief efforts with donations. The page has also been updated with brief news and information of the support project. There were many skydivers in the New Orleans region who were directly hit by Katrina's damaging path. The NSL News on September 9 had covered one of the Katrina stories during the USPA Nationals 2005 when Perris Synchronicity member Becky Brocato... (more)
News Article Did you know that UK team Airkix won $50,000 by one point?
posted: Nov 5th, 2005 The NSL News needed more time to move back from Arizona to DeLand than expected. However, the operation gets slowly back to normal pace after a delay of a week. There are still many stories to be covered after the conclusion of the FAI World Cup 2005, and it begins with exciting news for team Airkix from the United Kingdom. The UK team of IPC's 4-way Women's class was racing with Russia's Ladybirds and Fastrax Select for the bronze medals in Eloy throughout the whole meet. It was an exciting competition between these three teams, and the Ladybirds took the medals at the end. (more)
News Article Did you know that the jump-off videos conclude the NSL News coverage?
posted: Oct 27th, 2005 The 4-way competition has a World Cup champion, but the meet is not over yet. DeLand Fire showed great competitive attitude in round ten. Fire knew that there was no chance for the gold medals any longer, it was a clear victory for Airspeed Odyssey. However, the USPA champion 2005 had still enough motivation to fight for the second place. The Russian Black Cat was one point ahead of Fire after nine rounds. Fire was shown first on DZ-TV, and the 26-pointer was very fast and clean. Black Cat was next and came close, however, the counter stopped at 25 points in time. It was time again for a jump-off.... (more)
News Article Did you know that Airspeed had a few words for the NSL audience after the 8-way victory?
posted: Oct 27th, 2005 The 8-way competition ended on the highest level of performance. The very last jump of the 8-way competition was probably the best skydive of the whole meet. Arizona Airspeed boarded the plane alone, just as throughout the whole competition. Team number 805 put Airspeed at the end of the jump order from the very beginning, and it remained the same way when the jump order was adjusted according to the current rankings. Deguello and Italy shared a load, while Russia and France jumped from the same plane. Airspeed had the whole plane without company. The pressure was on in round ten after France... (more)
News Article Did you know that Dan BC provided his view on Thursday morning?
posted: Oct 27th, 2005 The 8-way competition has heated up this morning. Obviously, France has won back two points in round nine, and it is only a 1-point difference between Airspeed and France going into the last round. The NSL News used the morning hours to sit down with Dan BC for an interview. He predicted that it is almost easier for a team to be shortly behind rather than being in the lead. He explained the logic of this theory in the interview. He also thought that Airspeed would be experienced enough to deal with the challenge. The French team took advantage of the situation coming from behind and might... (more)