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NSL News

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News Article Did you know that two DeLand Fire members are now going after swooping medals?
posted: Sep 8th, 2005 The NSL News has collected a lot of footage for the new feature of NSL-TV, the interviews and live scenes of the event. It is difficult to decide what to use and where to begin. The award ceremony for 4-way took place Wednesday night. USPA President Glenn Bangs was on the microphone and introduced the teams and officials. He opened the ceremony with the presentation of one of the highest USPA awards for special achievements. Freefall photographer Mike McGowan was honored and touched when he accepted the "Meritorious Achievement Medal" from Chris Needels and Glenn Bangs. (more)
News Article Did you know that the Golden Knights are seriously challenging Airspeed in 8-way?
posted: Sep 7th, 2005 The question whether there would be a serious 8-way competition at the USPA Nationals in Perris or not has already been answered, and the answer came directly from the Golden Knights. The scores and videos of the first four rounds show very clearly that it will not be a walk in the park for Airspeed. In fact, the competition between the two top contenders is much closer than anybody expected. Both teams are moving on exactly the same pace. Both teams tied their scores in round one, and it looked as if Airspeed had decided to be on the very safe side. The Army team was able to keep up with the... (more)
News Article Did you know that the Northern Plains teams competed at the Couch Freak Boogie last weekend?
posted: Sep 7th, 2005 NSL competition continued in the Northern Plains Skydiving League, while the majority of 4-way teams in the country competed at the USPA Nationals 2005 in Perris. Seven teams competed at the Couch Freak Boogie, and Fast FWD member Bill Rehm updated the NSL News with the NPSL information. In the AAA Class, Gang Green ran uncontested and had a rocky meet but a bit of fun. They were the only AAA Class team eligible for medals this season and the NPSL AAA Class trophy returned to Skydive Wissota with Gang Green. In the A Class, the Wissota Shockers greatly improved their performance over the... (more)
News Article Did you know that NSL-TV captured the first reactions after landing from round ten?
posted: Sep 7th, 2005 While Arizona Airspeed, the Golden Knights and the judges prepared for the fast sequence of round three, which offered the opportunity for a new world record, the NSL News now goes back to yesterday's 4-way events. The NSL-TV camera was in the landing area when DeLand Fire and the Golden Knights landed from their round ten and captured the first impressions of the teams right after landing. The reactions were actually according to the outcome of the jump although nobody knew by then that a jump-off was an option. Click here to watch the video. (more)
News Article Did you know that there could be a competition for gold in 8-way?
posted: Sep 7th, 2005 The 4-way competition could not have been any more exciting. The NSL News will follow up later today with more information, footage, interviews. Now, what will the 8-way competition have to offer? It seems like there is really nothing similar to be expected. Arizona Airspeed is the reigning 8-way world champion after beating France and Russia last year in Croatia. Two Airspeed 2004 members, Mike Inabinet and Christopher Talbert, did not come back for the 2005 season. Brian Johnson and Andy Delk filled the open slots. How fast would the new line-up catch up with the world champion performance... (more)
News Article Did you know that DeLand Fire is the new USPA 4-way Champion?
posted: Sep 6th, 2005 36 - 34 for DeLand Fire, more later... The NSL leaderboard was not prepared for the jump-off. However, NSL-TV managed to capture the jumps and also film the live judging and more. Here are the links to the jumps, other footage will follow soon. Click here to watch DeLand Fire's 11th round. Click here to watch the Golden Knights. (more)