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NSL News

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News Article Did you know that Bodyflight Storm mastered trouble situations?
posted: Aug 11th, 2008 Both 4-way events have completed four rounds, and both events are still as spicy as it could be hoped for. Airspeed Odyssey does not have as strong a position after four rounds any longer as it seemed earlier today. The US team has still completed the highest number of scoring formations within working time, but several points got lost due to infringements. The mentioned 25-pointer in Round 3 was reduced to a 24-pointer. Two more points got lost in Round 4, and Airspeed ended up with 16 points, while four other top contenders posted 17-pointers, including the closest rival at the moment, Hayabusa... (more)
News Article Did you know that Airspeed explains their meet procedures on NSL-TV?
posted: Aug 11th, 2008 The Fun Flag was still gone at noon, but the 8-way sword only found a new location. It is now in the viewing area of the public hangar where everybody can adore it. The 4-way Open Class competition seemed to turn into a more interesting situation when Hayabusa Defence won a point over Airspeed Odyssey in Round 2. However, the Belgian team had the highscore of the round only after Airspeed lost two points by penalties. The US team completed 34 points in time and ended up with 32 on the scoreboard. Airspeed set everything completely straight again in Round 3. The 25-pointer was once again from... (more)
News Article Did you know that the NSL News interview with Joey Jones fell apart?
posted: Aug 11th, 2008 It is probably a good morning for the 4-way fans who have already discovered a few links on the scores for Round 1. More uploading was possible last night and the videos of the French i-Score DZ-TV and judging system provide at least a look at several top teams, including the top three: Airspeed Odyssey, Sky Panthers and France Maubeuge. However, there are also sad news. The Fun Flag is not flying any longer on top of the bunjee crane. Somebody risked his or her life to get possession of the flag last night. It was wet and slippery, and it is surprising that it was possible at all to get up... (more)
News Article Did you know that Airspeed's 2-point lead after Round 1 could be discouraging?
posted: Aug 10th, 2008 Yesterday's training jumps are history. Round 1 is already in the bag, the teams are in the air for Round 2. However, it is always worth watching the best teams in the world, even if it's yesterday's news. The videos of the training jumps show what became partially true today. (more)
News Article Did you know that the 4-way competition is in full swing?
posted: Aug 10th, 2008 Meet Director Patrice Girardin sent the 8-way teams back to bed in the afternoon when it became obvious that there would be no time for today's second event. However, he saw chances to send loads later in the afternoon, and he was right. The first 4-way teams have been in the air, the parachutes have landed, and the competition has begun. The NSL News has been busy in the meantime. Nathan Polis completed the clip of yesterday's opening ceremony, Hayabusa coach Joey Jones visited the press room for a live interview. Airspeed Odyssey's complete lineup took the time a little bit later and chatted... (more)
News Article Did you know that Jerome David talks about double duties and more on NSL-TV?
posted: Aug 10th, 2008 It did not take too long this morning until people on the interview list were available for the NSL News. The weather still does not allow any jumping at the moment, and the teams are on stand-by. Jerome David, national coach and manager of the French Formation Skydiving teams, took the time to visit the NSL office in the press room. First thing he did after entering the room was serving the whole media staff with fresh coffee. That came, of course, after greeting each female staff member with kisses on both cheeks and handshakes for the men. And that happens every morning when people meet each... (more)